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WMO User Workshop: “Requirements for Weather, Climate and Hydrological Services to Support Loss and Damage Data Collection and Risk Modelling ”

(at the 2014 Understanding Risk Forum, 30 June – 4 July, 2014, London, UK )

Updated on: 10 July 2014

Hydro-meteorological related disasters comprise about 88 per cent of all disaster events, causing 72 % of all economic losses and 36 % of fatalities. The IPCC Fifth Assessment Report projects that the severity, intensity and frequency of hydro-meteorological hazards such as droughts, floods, and tropical cyclones are increasing due to human-induced climate change. Changing characteristics of these hazards are posing challenges in emergency preparedness, risk management, as well as with longer-term strategic planning and investments in critical infrastructure and economic sectors. A fundamental requirement for risk analysis is quantification of hazard characteristics. Traditionally, statistical analyses of hazard characteristics have been used. However, with consideration for the changing patterns of hydro-meteorological hazards, statistical analysis based on historical data should be supplemented with forward-looking modelling tools that enable us to measure changes in the characteristics of hazards at various time scales. During this session, leading international experts will describe and discuss latest technologies in hazard modelling, WMO activities in establishing international guidelines and standards, as well as issues related to accessibility and availability of hazard information.

Panel Documents English

Technical session description

Presentations given by the panelists
Latest Progress with Meteorological Hazard Modelling - Mr Paul Davies - Chief Meteorologist UK Met Office United Kingdom pdf
Latest Tools and Methodologies for Flood Modelling - Dr Yuri Simanov - Senior Researcher on Hydrological Forecasts Hydrometeorological Centre of Russia Russian Federation pdf
Tropical Cyclone Modelling - Dr Andrew Burton - Chief Tropical Cyclone Forecasting Severe Weather Section The Australian Bureau of Meteorology Australia pdf
Drought Modelling and Management - Dr Roger Pulwarty - Director of the National Integrated Drought Information System Director of Climate and Societal Interactions Division Chief at the NOAA Climate Program and Earth System Research Laboratory National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) United States of America pdf
High Wave, Storm Surge and Coastal Inundation Modelling - Dr Kevin Horsburgh - Head of the Marine Physics and Ocean Climate (MPOC) Research Group National Oceanography Centre Natural Environment Research Council United Kingdom pdf






For any additional information please contact:

Dr Maryam Golnaraghi
Chief, Chief of Disaster R
isk Reduction Division
World Meteorological Organization
7bis,avenue de la Paix
Case postale 2300
CH-1211 Geneva 2
Tel: + 41-(0) 22-730-8006
Fax: + 41-(0) 22-730-8128




World Meteorological Organization, 7bis, avenue de la Paix, CP No. 2300, CH-1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland - Tel.: +41(0)22 730 81 11 - Fax: +41(0)22 730 81 81
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