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Meeting of the Sub-group on Regional Aspects of PWS in RAVI

Langen, Germany, 29th – 31st August 2007


Links to the report of the meeting and the annexes are given below:

Report Meeting of the Sub-group on Regional Aspects of PWS in RAVI, Langen, Germany, 29th – 31st August 2007
Annex A List of Participants
Annex B Terms of Reference
Annex C Agenda of the Meeting
Annex D A Short Description of Near-Gale Warnings Verification at FMI
Annex E A DWD Survey on Public Weather Warnings
Annex F Verification of Flash Warnings of Severe Weather at the UK Met Office
Annex G Utility Index, UK
Annex H June Severe Weather Warning Omnibus Results
Annex I PWS Verification of ZAMG
Annex J Public Weather Service Communications Strategy, 2007- 2012
Annex K Probability Forecasts: Outlines for the discussion on probability forecasts
Annex L Training in Road Meteorology
Newsletter METEOALARM In the First Months: Growing Number of Visitors





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