
Welcome to the WIS WIKI.

Remote conferencing tools

(Please make sure your browser extensions for conferencing tools are at the latest version)

WMO meetings now use Bluejeans (this connects to the WMO room video systems). You can access a Bluejeans session using your browser (or an app). You are advised to check that you can connect to Bluejeans using their test meeting. Help on using Bluejeans is available from the Bluejeans support page.

Bluejeans is similar to use to Webex. We have some tips on using this. (Note: WebEx had changed its interface, so the screenshots will not match exactly what you see on your screen) Warning for presenters: if you choose to share an application (rather than your whole screen), everyone else will see a black screen if you mimimize the application you are sharing.

Past WIS meetings:

Current consultations on proposed technical standards

The following consultations on proposed changes to Manuals, Guides and suggested practices are in progress. Formal consultations are limited to representatives authorized by Permanent Representatives. Informal consultations are open to a wider group of experts in order to obtain feedback to assist with the design of proposals.

ConsultationConsultation summaryTypeClosing date
There are no current consultations.

Current groups

Photographs from previous meetings related to WIS

CBS Management Group





Congress/Executive Council
