Welcome to the CG-FV pages
CG-FV is part of the WMO's OPAG on Data-processing and Forecasting Systems (OPAG-DPFS). These pages are intended to be used by the group for developing documents and plans for the CG-FV.
Terms of Reference for the CBS Coordination Group on Forecast Verification (CG-FV):
(a) In consultation with the relevant Expert Teams, review procedures for verification of the performance of forecasting systems to ensure that they are adequate and meet CBS needs;
(b) Ensure that verification systems are appropriate to emerging forecast types such as probabilistic forecasts, very high resolution NWP products, and nowcasting products;
(c) Develop suitable verification procedures for severe weather forecasts and warnings;
(d) Review Lead Centre activities and provide guidance as appropriate;
(e) Liaise with WWRP/WGNE as required;
(f) Provide guidance on how to implement verification systems.