
SG-RFC 2019

:Image :

Steering Group on Radio-Frequency Coordination. 2019 meeting

Meeting information

Report of the meeting:

Chair: Eric Allaix.
WMO & Webex contact: Dave Thomas.

Location: Meteo France, Toulouse. France

Date: 05-07 March 2019
Time: 09:00 to 17:00 European Time (09:00 UTC to 16:00 UTC)

Members of SG-RFC should log-in to the WIS wiki to receive the best browsing experience.

Key objectives

The primary objective of the meeting is to prepare for WRC-19.

Meeting details

Register for the meeting

All SG-RFC members (core and associate) will be sent an official invitation.

Local information

WebEx details

Tips on using WebEx (Note: WebEx has recently changed its interface, so the screenshots will not match exactly what you see on your screen) Warning for presenters: if you choose to share an application (rather than your whole screen), everyone else will see a black screen if you mimimize the application you are sharing.

Administrative documents

Document nameAuthorDocument URLEmail for correspondenceDocument (file)atts
SG-RFC-2019-final report cleanSecretariat
  1. SG RFC 2019 Final Report Clean
List Attachments0
Group Photo
  1. Groupe Frequences
List Attachments0
  1. SG RFC2019(Admin) WorkPlan1.4
List Attachments0
Information for ParticipantsEric
  1. SG RFC2019(Admin) Information For Participants
List Attachments0
  1. SG-RFC-2019-AI(x.x)-Template
List Attachments0

Document submission

Participants should submit their documents and presentations for the meeting using the document submission form.
Link for administration of meeting documents (for use by secretariat)