
Meeting: ICT-ISS 2016 strategy planning workshop No.02

Meeting information

Report of the meeting: Final report

Chair: Matteo dell'Acqua, Meteo France
WMO contact: Peiliang Shi and Steve Foreman, WMO

Location: WMO HQ, Salle Lake 6. Geneva
Date: 18-20 May 2016
Meeting opens: 0900 18 May 2016
Meeting closes: 1600 20 May 2016

Key objectives


The primary objectives of the meeting are to:


CBS Ext.(2014) asked ICT-ISS to create and maintain a strategy for the future development of WIS, and requested ICT-ISS to establish an inter-commission task team to work with GISCs to recommend a process for making decisions affecting the traffic and capacity management of WIS (ITT-WIS). ICT-ISS held an ad hoc meeting of ICT-ISS on strategy from 19-21 May 2015 that set out activities towards developing a draft strategy for WIS and draft recommendations on WIS operational management. These documents will inform discussion by ITT-WIS at a meeting to be held after EC-68 in second half of 2016.

Meeting details

Register for the meeting

Attendance at the meeting is by invitation only.

Travel information

The meeting will be held at the headquarters of WMO, 7 Bis, avenue de la Paix, Geneva.
Information about travel to the venue and hotels is online at WMO visitors info.
The local contact for the meeting is Petra Pichler, +41 (0)22 730 82 62.


ET-WISC Strategy Workshop Reports

Reference (linked) documents (Rnn)

R01Technical Regulations (WMO-No. 49)http://wis.wmo.int/TechReg49
R02Manual on WIShttp://wis.wmo.int/wis-manual
R03Functional Architecturehttp://wis.wmo.int/WIS-FuncArch
R04Technical Specificationshttp://wis.wmo.int/WIS-TechSpec
R05Rolling Review of Requirementshttp://wis.wmo.int/WIS-RRR
R06Guide to the WIShttp://wis.wmo.int/wis-guide
R07Manual on the GTShttp://wis.wmo.int/gts-manual
R08GTS Securityhttp://wis.wmo.int/gts-security
R09GTS VPNhttp://wis.wmo.int/gts-vpn
R10Guidelines on Data Modellinghttp://wis.wmo.int/metce-uml
R11Interim Guide on WIS Monitoringhttp://wis.wmo.int/page=wis-monitor
R12Manual on Codeshttp://wis.wmo.int/codes-manual
R13WIS Project and Implementation Plan2010 V12.1
R14WWW Guide on data managementhttp://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/www/WDM/Guides/Guide-on-DataMgt-1.htm

Meeting documents (MeetingID-DocNo)

ID T Filename Invert Sort Description Last Modified Hits Other Sorts
2837 application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document EC-TT-DPEI-1(2016)-d04-1(1)-EMERGING-DATA-KEY ISSUES-draft1_en.docx EC-TT-DPEI-1(2016)-d04-1(1)-EMERGING-DATA-KEY ISSUES-draft1_en.docx Wed 18 of May, 2016 416 Information
2665 application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation ET-WISC2016-Doc15-WIS strategy-intro.pptx ET-WISC2016-Doc15-WIS strategy-intro Fri 22 of Apr, 2016 690 Information
2663 application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document ET-WISC2016-Doc16-WIS-strategy_questionsWG2.docx ET-WISC2016-Doc16-WIS-strategy_questionsWG2 Fri 22 of Apr, 2016 514 Information
2829 application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document ICT-ISS2016-1-Doc01r2-Agenda.docx ICT-ISS2016-1-Doc01-Agenda Wed 18 of May, 2016 378 Information
2831 application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document ICT-ISS2016-1-Doc02r4-List of Participants.docx ICT-ISS2016-1-Doc02-List of Participants Mon 23 of May, 2016 692 Information
2833 application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document ICT-ISS2016-1-Doc03-strategy_questionsWG1.docx ICT-ISS2016-1-Doc03-strategy_questionsWG1 Tue 17 of May, 2016 478 Information
2835 application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document ICT-ISS2016-1-Doc04-strategy_questionsWG3.docx ICT-ISS2016-1-Doc04-strategy_questionsWG3 Tue 17 of May, 2016 374 Information
2867 application/vnd.ms-powerpoint ICT-ISS2016-1-Doc06-CMA-information system.ppt ICT-ISS2016-1-Doc06-CMA-information system.ppt Mon 30 of May, 2016 376 Information
2865 application/pdf sdw-bp-overview-nl-ldp-workshop_feb2016.pdf Presentation on Linking Spatial Data on the Web given by Jeremy Tandy to ICT-ISS 2016 Strategy Meeting Thu 26 of May, 2016 356 Information
2839 application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation WISPartC.pptx Information cycle Wed 18 of May, 2016 538 Information

Meeting documents (limited access)