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Components of the WWW Operational Information Service (OIS)

Best practices for the management of the operational information

The document "Best practices for the management of the operational information" provides information on why, when and how to update the operational information, and how to be kept informed of the updating of the operational information.

WMO No. 9, Volume A - Observing Stations

Volume A contains a list of the surface and upper-air stations in operation, which are used for synoptic purposes. Volume A contains the following information for each station: WMO index number, latitude and longitude, elevation, pressure level, surface synoptic observations, hourly and half.hourly observations, upper-air observations and other observations and remarks

Catalogue of radiosondes and upper-air wind systems in use by Members

In addition to the information included in Volume A for upper-air stations, the catalogue provides information on the type of radiosonde, windfinding equipment, ground systems, radiation corrections applied to temperature observations and other local practices for the radiosondes and upper-air systems in use by Members.

Regional Basic Synoptic Network (RBSN) and Regional Basic Climatological Network (RBCN)

The WMO Regional Associations define regional basic networks of surface and upper-air stations adequate to meet the requirements of Members and of the World Weather Watch. The WMO Regional Associations also define regional basic climatological networks necessary to provide a good representation of climate on the regional scale, in addition to global scale.The WMO Executive Council Working Group on Antarctic Meteorology is in charge of reviewing the Antarctic basic synoptic network.

Antarctic Observing Network (AntON)

The WMO Regional Associations define regional basic networks of surface and upper-air stations adequate to meet the requirements of Members and of the World Weather Watch. The WMO Regional Associations also define regional basic climatological networks necessary to provide a good representation of climate on the regional scale, in addition to global scale.The WMO Executive Council Working Group on Antarctic Meteorology is in charge of reviewing the Antarctic basic synoptic network.

WMO No. 9, Volume C1 - Catalogue of Meteorological Bulletins

Volume C1 contains the list of meteorological bulletins being transmitted for global, inter-regional and regional exchange. Each bulletin is uniquely identified by an abbreviated heading (TTAAii CCCC). Volume C1 contains the following information for each bulletin: code form used, time group, contents of bulletins and remarks.

WMO No. 9, Volume C2 - Transmission programmes

Volume C2  Volume contains the transmission programmes (i.e. contents and, when applicable, schedules) of data distribution systems of the Global Telecommunication System.

Routeing catalogues of bulletins

The routeing catalogues of the GTS centres provide information on the routeing of bulletins on the GTS, i.e. on the relay of the bulletins on the GTS point-to-point circuits and their distribution on the  point-to-multipoint circuits such as the satellite distribution systems. The routeing catalogue of a GTS centre comprises the following information for each bulletin received or transmitted by the GTS centre:the GTS circuit on which the bulletin is received by the GTS centre and the list of the GTS circuits on which the bulletin is sent by the GTS centre.

Monitoring Reports

Three types of quantity monitoring exercises are co-ordinated by the Secretariat within the framework of the WWW Programme: the Annual Global Monitoring (AGM), the Special MTN Monitoring (SMM) and the specific monitoring on the exchange of Antarctic data.

WMO No. 9, Volume D - Information for Shipping

Marine meteorology and other related geophysical information necessary for safe and economic conduct of shipping operations, as well as for fishing and other marine activities, is made available to the user by the various Meteorological Services of maritime countries. The provision of this information is co-ordinated by the WMO. Volume D comprises information on the meteorological broadcasts by radiotelegraphy and radiotelephony, meteorological broadcasts by radio-facsimile, global maritime distress and safety system, coastal radio stations and Inmarsat land earth stationsaccepting ships’weather and oceanographic reports, marine meteorological services available for main port, ship weather routeing services, and visual storm warning signals.

WMO No. 47 - International List of Selected, Supplementary and Auxiliary Ships

The International List of Selected, Supplementary and Auxiliary Ships contains information about the ships participating in the WMO Voluntary Observing Ships Scheme.  This information has been supplied by the countries which have recruited ships.

Operational Newsletter on the World Weather Watch and Marine Meteorological Services

The operational Newletter aims at providing a summary of the latest operational information on the Global Observing System, the Global Telecommunication System, the Global Data-Processing System, the Data Management, including WMO code forms, and  the Marine Meteorological Services.

Additional data and products as defined in Resolution 40 (Cg-XII)

The Twelfth World Meteorological Congress (1995) adopted Resolution 40 (Cg-XII) - "WMO Policy and Practice for the Exchange of Meteorological and Related data and products including Guidelines on Relationships in Commercial Meteorological Activities", to facilitate worldwide co-operation in the establishment of observing networks and to promote the exchange of meteorological and related information in the interest of all nations. According to the practice adopted by Congress, all meteorological and related data and products required to fulfil Members’ obligations under WMO Programmes should be encompassed by the combination of essential and additional data and products exchanged by Members. Members are urged to make known to all Members, through the WMO Secretariat, those additional meteorological and related data and products on which Members placed conditions related to their re-export for commercial purposes outside the receiving country (or group of countries forming a single economic group).


CBS Meetings
Reports of Meetings
WWW OIS Newsletter
Current News
Newsletter Archive
Observing Stations
WMO No 9 - Volume A
Radiosonde Catalogue
Bulletins TTAAii CCCC
WMO No 9 - Volume C1
Routeing Catalogues
Additional Data/Product
Bulletin Comparisons
T1T2A1A2ii Data Designators
Transmission Programmes
WMO No 9 - Volume C2
WMO No9 - Volume D
WMO No 47
Data Buoys
Data Quantity
Data Quality

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