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Excerpt taken from: WMO No. 386 Manual on the Global Telecommunication System
Part I - Organization of the GTS

Meteorological Telecommunication Centres (MTCs)
functions and responsibilities

Also see: Responsibilities of MTCs for the transmission of Observational Data and Processed Information


2. Functions and responsibilities of Meteorological Telecommunication Centres

2.1 The WMCs (as regards telecommunications) and the RTHs shall be responsible for:


Collecting the bulletins from their associated NMCs and transmitting them in the appropriate form on the MTN, either directly or through the appropriate WMC/RTH;
Transmitting on the MTN, either directly or through the appropriate RTH, as internationally agreed and in the appropriate form, the processed meteorological information produced by the WMC or RSMC associated with them;
Relaying selectively on the circuits of the MTN, as agreed, the bulletins which they receive from these circuits and/or from RTHs not situated on the MTN;
Ensuring the selective distribution of bulletins to the associated NMCs and to the RTHs not situated on the MTN which they serve;
Before relaying a message issued from their zones of responsibility (as an RTH in a Region and/or as an RTH located on the MTN) on the GTS, checking the parts related to the telecommunications of the message in order to maintain standard telecommunication procedures. The RTH informs the associated centre originating or compiling the message of any correction to be made to the message. The RTH and its associated centres make arrangements for the insertion of the message without telecommunication errors on the GTS. Messages issued from outside the zone of responsibility of an RTH shall not be corrected by the RTH except in case of special arrangements for inserting data into the GTS;
Establishing data dissemination systems (terrestrial and/or via satellite) as required in accordance with regional plans;
Carrying out the monitoring of the operation of the GTS of the WWW;
For WMCs/RTHs on the MTN, maintaining the Catalogue of Meteorological Bulletins as regards bulletins issued from the zone for which they are responsible for the collection, exchange and distribution of data, as given in paragraph 1, Attachment I–3, and also including data from the Antarctica, as appropriate. WMCs/RTHs on the MTN may share their responsibility with the RTHs (not on the MTN) included in their zone of responsibility through regional arrangements.
Note: The plan for monitoring the operation of the WWW is given in Attachment I–5.


2.2 RSMCs not combined with RTHs

2.2 RSMCs not combined with RTHs should ensure distribution of their products by agreement with an appropriate GTS centre or centres.


2.3 NMCs responsibility with regard to telecommunications

NMCs shall be responsible for:


Collecting observational data from their own territory or that of one or more Members according to bilateral agreements, as well as observational data from aircraft and ships received by centres located within the area of responsibility. This collection shall take place as soon as possible and shall be completed within 15 minutes of the observing station’s filing time;

The observing station’s fi ling time is defi ned as the time at which the coded meteorological report is first presented to the telecommunication system. For an aircraft or ship weather report, it is the time when it is received by the appropriate communication station (land station/coast station).
Under normal conditions, the report should be presented to the telecommunication system not later than five minutes after the completion of its coding.
Compiling such data into bulletins and transmitting them to the associated RTH, in compliance with standard telecommunications procedures;
NMCs may be associated with more than one RTH.
Receiving and distributing for their benefi t and that of Members that request them, in accordance with bilateral agreements, observational data and processed meteorological information, to meet the requirements of the Members concerned;
Carrying out the relevant monitoring of the operation of the GTS of the WWW.
Checking of meteorological content of national observational data is to be accomplished by the responsible NMCs, or the other originating centres as appropriate (see paragraph 2.4 below), before such data are compiled into bulletins for further transmission on the GTS.
The plan for monitoring the operation of the WWW is given in Attachment I–5.


2.4 Each member shall designate an NMC, or other centre as appropriate, for performing the functions mentioned in paragraph 2.3 above, as well as for the meteorological checking of national observational data before such data are presented for further transmission on the GTS.


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