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Operational Information Newsletter

January 2009

Dear Reader,

The Operational Newsletter was first introduced in 1982, at the request of the Commission for Basic Systems (CBS), with the objective of providing World Weather Watch Centres with urgent notifications and a summary of the latest operational information on the World Weather Watch and Marine Meteorological Services.  In December 2001 the CBS Management Group approved the electronic distribution of the Newsletter thus enabling operational centres to receive up-to-date information on a near real-time basis.

This Newsletter is published at the end of each month and is disseminated free of charge through our on-line service.  Check our home page for the most recent issue, alternatively, complete the subscription form (if you haven’t already done so) and we will contact you when it is available.

We hope that this Newsletter will be of service to you.  Should you feel that we did not meet with your requirements  please contact us.


Notification Date


H Edens

WMO – No. 306 - Manual on Codes - Volume I.1 – Part A – Alphanumeric Codes

15 January

Reference: WMO letter dated 1 October 2008 and Corrigendum to Supplement No 6

Notification from Canada:

With respect to METAR/SPECI: ICAO designated aviation authority in Canada, Transport Canada, has been provided with the corrigendum but does not envisage any changes to Canadian practices given that these corrections refer to practices that are not followed in Canada. Canada does not include runway condition in the METAR/SPECI and does not use either NDV or CAVOK (Canada has State Differences on file with ICAO on these matters). Canada has another State Difference on file to indicate that Canada continue to use SKC.

With respect to SYNOP: The corrigendum regarding SYNOP does not apply to Canada as they do not report cloud layers at automatic sites.


H Edens

Publications issued

8 January

WMO Publication No. 8 - Guide to Meteorological Instruments and Methods of Observation.


H Edens

North Sea platform F3 (06239) - temporary observation production stop

6 January

Notification from The Netherlands: As from 6 January 2009, The Netherlands North Sea platform F3-FB-1 (06239 - EHFD) stopped its fully automated production of meteorological observations.

It is estimated that after a period of 4 to 6 months from now, the production of AUTO SYNOP and AUTO METAR will recommence.


H Edens

Volume A - Observing Stations



H Edens

Volume C1 - Catalogue of Meteorological Bulletins



H Edens

Buoy Data

Australia End of month
Canada End of month
New Zealand Mid month
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Hourly
United States of America Weekly
EUMETNET Surface Marine Programme End of month


H Edens



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