Regional cooperation and development activities
Programmes > DRA > Voluntary Cooperation Programme > Become a partner or donor

Become a partner or donor

Without your support, the VCP will not be able to continue its work in supporting developing and least developed countries. Donors, including individuals, can contribute directly to the VCP Trust Fund or Emergency Assistance Fund or support a specific project with financial or in-kind contributions through the VCP Coordinated process.

Contributions to the Trust Funds can be regular, such as monthly, annually or just one-off. All amounts will be gratefully accepted and acknowledged in the News site, newsletter and annual reports.

If you would like to support a specific project, you can browse the list of outstanding requests below and contact the Secretariat to be teamed up with a suitable project.


Project title



Cameroon Bibliotèque Météorologique 2014 pdf
Bosnia Herzegovina Forecaster Workstation Synergie 2014 pdf
Sudan Calibration Chamber 2013 pdf
Sudan Hydrogen Generator 2013 pdf
Zimbabwe Replacement of standard instruments on 10 GSN stations 2012 pdf
Uganda Upgrade of the Upper Air Station in Entebee 2012 pdf


Emergency Assistance: Flood early warning 2012  pdf
Mauritania Renforcement des équipment de l'ONM poul la publication des bulletin météorologiques á la Télévision 2012  pdf
Vanuatu Rehabilitation of Aneiytum meteorological station 2012  pdf

Hardware/software complex for the
visualization of meteorological data and presentation of specific messages to users of hydrometeorological information

2012  pdf
Vanuatu Rehabilitation og Whitegrass meteorological station 2012  pdf





World Meteorological Organization, 7bis, avenue de la Paix, CP No. 2300, CH-1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland - Tel.: +41(0)22 730 81 11 - Fax: +41(0)22 730 81 81
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