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Training Workshop on the Assessment of Socio-economic Benefits of Meteorological and Hydrological Services, Nanjing, China (21 to 28 September 2009)



Participants' Presentations


Title of lecture Lecturer Affiliation Link
Pilot Project on Evaluation of Socio-Economic Benefits of Meteorological Information and Services in Kenya – The Agriculture Sector.
Stella Aura Kenya Meteorological Department View
The Assessment of Meteorological and Hydrological Disaster in Nepal Er. Gautam Rajkarnikar Koshi River Basin Management Cell
Water and Energy Commission Secretariat (WECS )
Government of Nepal
Economical and Social Values of Meteorological service
Tesfaye Gissila National Meteorological Agency, Ethiopia View
Case Study Plan: Socio-Economic Benefits of Climate Information to Agricultural Sector Mugni Hadi Hariadi Indonesia Meteorological Agency View
Tonga Country Report John Holi Tonga National Meteorological service View
Case study on the Assessment of the Socio-Economic Importance of the Hydrological Services in Uganda  Wilson Fred Kyosingira Directorate of Water Resources Management, Entebe, Uganda
Socio-economic Benefits of Malaysian Meteorological Services in Aviation Alliscia Mandai Malaysian Meteorological Department
Hydrological and Meteorological Service of Nepal Suresh Maskey
Department of Hydrology and Meteorology
Kathmandu, Nepal
The Flow Variability of the Phuthi River and its Implications for Water Supply in Maseru

Leshoboro Nena Ministry of Natural Resources
Department of Water Affairs
Case study: The report of climate change impacts in Thailand. Yuwadee Suwanmanee Thai Meteoroogical Department(TMD) View
Benefit Analysis for the HKO’s Location-specific Lightning Alert Service Tai Sai-choi Corporate Communication Hong Kong Observatory View
Benefit Analysis for the HKO’s
Location-specific Lightning Alert Service

Tai Sai-choi Hong Kong Observatory View
Case Study: Project to support the Mauritius component of the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and
Mitigation system (IOTWS)

Renganaden Virasami Mauritius Meteorological Services
Customer Satisfaction

Samuel Waweru Kenya Meteorological Department

Pungwe River Basin Tras-boundary Intergrated Water Resources Management and Development Programme

Tichaona Zinyemba Zimbabwe Meteorological Sevices Department View





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