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PWS Learning Through Doing Project

Project Concept

Through the work of the Public Weather Service Programme (PWSP) of the WMO over the years, much knowledge has been accumulated in various aspects of PWS and spread to Members through conventional training methods such as workshops, conferences, and publication of guidelines. However, some Members, particularly the developing countries
and Least Developed Countries (LDCs), still face challenges in delivering services effectively due to such realities as rapid urbanization, economic globalization, environmental degradation, natural hazards, and the threats from climate change. To assist these Members in enhancing their PWS capabilities, PWSP initiated a new thrust by embarking on Pilot Projects based on the concept of “Learning Through Doing” (LTD). The idea is that a pilot project focuses on a group of countries, in which mentoring agents works alongside the staff of the National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) in assisting them to improve their communication with users in selected target sectors, and to develop and deliver an improved range of products and services that would enhance the socio-economic benefits provided by the NMHSs to Members. A detailed concept of LTD is described by M C Wong and Hilda Lam (Hong Kong Observatory, Hong Kong, China) in their paper, "Taking Action Through Pilot Projects Within PWS: Learning through doing".





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