Ship Observations Team (SOT) world map
Programmes > AMP > MMOP > Observations > SOT

SOT - The Ship Observations Team (SOT)

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The work of the SOT consists of a collection of very successful and enduring data collection programmes, involving voluntary observing ships and ships of opportunity operated through the following programmes which have supported a number of research and operational applications over many years. They provide for surface meteorological observations, aerological soundings using balloons, and surface and sub-surface oceanographic measurements.


The SOT is achieving substancial part of its workplan during intersessional periods through a number of Task Teams:

(page last updated 18 March, 2019 )




World Meteorological Organization, 7bis, avenue de la Paix, CP No. 2300, CH-1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland - Tel.: +41(0)22 730 81 11 - Fax: +41(0)22 730 81 81
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