Please note that this historical material is still in provisional form pending further review,
but any comments/suggestions would be welcome to JMA (mcss(at)


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(C) Copyright World Meteorological Organization (WMO), 2004. All Rights Reserved.

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The designations employed and the presentation of material in these publications do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the World Meteorological Organization concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries

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CMM-I (1952) 5.1MB CMM-II (1956) 4.7MB CMM-III (1960) 6.5MB CMM-IV (1964) 8.0MB CMM-V (1968) 4.9MB CMM-VI (1972) 4.4MB CMM-VII (1976) 4.9MB
CMM-VIII (1981) 3.9MB CMM-IX (1984) 5.1MB CMM-X (1989) 7.0MB CMM-XI (1993) 8.7MB CMM-XII (1997) 12.6MB JCOMM-I (2001) 1.1MB JCOMM-II (2005) 881KB
JCOMM-III (2009) 1.5MB JCOMM-IV (2012) 1.2MB
CSM-I (1953) 8.8MB CSM-II (1958) 9.1MB CSM-III (1962) 9.9MB CSM-IV (1966) 9.7MB CSM-V (1970) 14.0MB CBS-VI (1974) 6.9MB CBS-Ext (1976) 6.8MB
CBS-VII (1978) 9.3MB CBS-Ext (1980) 7.4MB CBS-VIII (1983) 8.7MB CBS-Ext (1985) 7.1MB CBS-IX (1988) 11.3MB CBS-Ext (1990) 12.0MB CBS-X (1992) 8.4MB
CBS-Ext (1994) 8.5MB CBS-XI (1996) 13.3MB CBS-Ext (1998) 1.1MB CBS-XII (2000) 1.0MB CBS-Ext (2002) 768KB CBS-XIII (2005) 3.8MB CBS-Ext (2006) 2.7MB
CBS-XIV (2009) 1.9MB CBS-Ext (2010) 5.0MB CBS-XV (2012) 4.2MB CBS-Ext (2014) 17.0MB