WMO-IOC Data Buoy Cooperation Panel

DBCP Technical Document No. 45

Presentations at the DBCP Scientific and Technical Workshop

Fremantle, Australia, 2 October 2012


Programme, abstracts, and presentations made at the workshop

The regular themes of the Workshop included:

  1. Technical development for marine observation systems;

  2. Operational practices and enhancements, and;

  3. Applications of collected data.

 In addition to the regular themes, this year’s workshop had a major focus on " Impact of drifter and moored platform data on operational and research applications".  Topics of interest were: 

  • Impact of Sea Level Pressure from drifters on Numerical Weather Prediction;
  • Impact of Tsunameter data in Tsunami monitoring;
  • Impact of buoy data on ENSO prediction;
  • Impact of buoy data on ocean forecasting models;
  • Recent ocean research findings thanks to buoy data;
  • Applications of Southern Ocean buoy data.

Workshop Chairs:

Chair: Mr Johan Stander, South African Weather Service (SAWS), South Africa

Co-Chair: Dr Boris Kelly-Gerreyn, Bureau of Meteorology (BOM), Australia

Session 1: Operational Practices and Enhancements




Abstract Presentation
1 Salient features of Indian deep sea instrumented buoy network in the Bay of Bengal R. Venkatesan (NIOT, India) x x
2 The Use of Tsunameter Observations within the Australian Tsunami Warning System Diana Greenslade (BOM, Australia) x x

Session 2: Technical Development for Marine Observation Systems




Abstract Presentation(s)
3 Update on Indian Ocean Observing System (IndOOS) Sid Thurston (NOAA, USA) x x
4 Evaluation of MINIMET drifting buoy wtih sonic wind sensor for Arctic weather monitoring application Chris Marshall (EC, Canada)


x x
5 Progress in Refreshing the Tropical Ocean Atmosphere Array Richard Crout (NDBC, USA) x x
6 Long Term Autonomous Ocean Remote Sensing Utilizing the Wave Glider Jamie Griffith (Liquid Robotics, Inc., USA) x x
7 Wave Measurement Evaluation and Testing Phase II Robert Jensen (USACE ERDC, USA) x x
8 Overview of Emerging Unmanned Systems Technologies for Marine Monitoring Richard Crout (NDBC, USA)
on behalf of Walt McCall (NDBC, USA)
x x

Session 3: Applications of Collected Data




Abstract Presentation
9 Removing spurious low-frequency variability in drifter velocities Rick Lumpkin (AOML, USA) x x
10 Analysis of Argos 3 Viability for Buoy Platforms. Lance Braasch (SIO, USA) x x
11 Increasing of effectiveness and reliability of data from drifting buoys Sergey Motyzhev (Marlin Yud, Ukraine) x x
12 Drifter lifetimes by manufacturer and buoy type Mayra Pazos (AOML, USA) x x
13 Drogue Evaluation and Analysis Shaun Dolk (AOML, USA) x x

Session 4: Requirements for Climate Change Applications




Abstract Presentation
14 Evaluating the impact on NWP of sea level atmospheric pressure data over the ocean from drifting boys Luca Centurioni (SIO, USA) x x
15 Influence of warm SST anomalies formed in the eastern Pacific subduction zone on recent El Niño events Dongkyu Lee (SIO, USA) x x
16 The Southern Ocean Time Series moored observatory: A technical and scientific review Eric W. Schulz (BOM, Australia) x x
17 Using an Argos PMT in a Drifting Buoy Andy Sybrandy (Pacific Gyre, USA) x x