JCOMM Technical Report No. 13, Revision 1 world map
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Advances in the Applications of Marine climatology
The Dynamic Part of the WMO Guide to the Applications of Marine Climatology
- JCOMM TR No. 13 REV. 2 - WMO/TD No. 1081 REV. 2 - June 2011

Copyright © 2011 Royal Meteorological Society. Published by John Wiley & Sons.
(see also direct link to the special issue at the journal here)




Editorial - Achievements in marine climatology

Sergey Gulev, and Scott Woodruff


ICOADS Release 2.5: extensions and enhancements to the surface marine meteorological archive Scott D. Woodruff, Steven J. Worley, Sandra J. Lubker, Zaihua Ji, J. Eric Freeman,
David I. Berry, Philip Brohan, Elizabeth C. Kent, Richard W. Reynolds, and Shawn R. Smith


Recovery of logbooks and international marine data: the RECLAIM project Clive Wilkinson, Scott D. Woodruff, Philip Brohan, Stefan Claesson, Eric Freeman,
Frits Koek, Sandra J. Lubker, Catherine Marzin, and Dennis Wheeler


Estimating sampling uncertainty in fixed-depth and fixed-isotherm estimates of ocean warming Matthew D. Palmer, and Philip Brohan


Air–Sea fluxes from ICOADS: the construction of a new gridded dataset with uncertainty estimates David I. Berry, and Elizabeth C. Kent


A comparison of nine monthly air–sea flux products Shawn R. Smith, Paul J. Hughes, and Mark A. Bourassa


Using QuikSCAT in the added value assessment of dynamically downscaled wind speed Jörg Winterfeldt, Beate Geyer and Ralf Weisse


Buoy wind inhomogeneities related to averaging method and anemometer type: application to long time series B. R. Thomas, and V. R. Swail


Intercomparison of historical sea surface temperature datasets Sayaka Yasunaka, and Kimio Hanawa


El Niño/Southern Oscillation behaviour since 1871 as diagnosed in an extended multivariate ENSO index (MEI.ext) Klaus Wolter, and Michael S. Timlin


Influence of the West Spitsbergen Current on the local climate

Waldemar Walczowski, and Jan Piechura


Ice winter severity in the western Baltic Sea in the period of 1301–1500: comparison with other relevant data Natalija Schmelzer, and Jürgen Holfort


Note: WMO/TD-No. 781 constitutes the static part of the "Guide to the applications of Marine Climatology".





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