

Arrival and departure in the AEM Division

30 June, 2016

  Departure                                 Arrival



Implementation date for AMF Qualification Standard is approaching

6 April, 2016

The WMO qualification requirement for the aeronautical meteorological forecasters (AMF) included in the WMO Technical Regulations, Volume I (WMO-No. 49) will become a standard requirement as of 1 December 2016. To assist Members achieve conformity with this requirement, the CAeM ET-ETC has developed guidance material in the form of a "compliance flow chart" and "frequently asked questions". This material was sent to all Members through a circular letter on 28 January 2016. Members were also requested to provide information on the status of compliance with the AMF qualification standard.


The ECMA-2015 Report is now online

18 March, 2016

The final report of the European Conference on Meteorolog for Aviation (ECMA-2015) held in Vienna, Austria, 13-14 October 2015, is now online (link)


The ET-ETC/ET-GOV meeting report is now online

3 February, 2016

The report of the joint meeting of the ET-ETC and ET-GOV held in Wellington from 30 November to 3 december 2015 has been posted on the website (link).


SciDev article on volcanic ash

11 June, 2015

SciDev.Net, a leading source of reliable and authoritative news, views and analysis on information about science and technology for global development, published an interesting article: Volcanic ash study could help keep planes in the skies


Aeronautical Meteorology Side Event at Congress-17

27 May, 2015

A side event on Aeronautical Meteororlogy took place on 27 May 2015 at CICG, Geneva, as part of the programme of the 17th Congress of WMO. The event was well attended by Congress delegates from different countries and regions. The purpose of the event was to highlight the main issues presented in the aviation documents for Congress, related to the plans for implementation of the MET elements of the ICAO GANP and ASBU. The programme of the meeting included presentations by the president of CAeM, ICAO, WMO and the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI).



A new success story: RA III - WMO Workshop on Competency Assessment of AMP

28 November, 2014

Training workshops on the implementation of Competency Assessment of Aeronautical Meteorological Personnel (AMP) had been held in all WMO Regional Associations except RA-III. To fill this gap, a workshop was held in Buenos Aires from 17 to 21 November 2014, kindly hosted by the National Meteorological Service (SMN) of Argentina. 


CAeM-15 Final Report

9 October, 2014

The final report of the 15th session of the Commission for Aeronautical Meteorology is now available. 

CAeM-15 Final Report
