A new publication containing the outcomes of the CAeM Global Survey on Aeronautical Meteorology Service Provision has been posted on the WMO website. The survey was conducted by the Commission for Aeronautical Meteorology (CAeM) between November 2016 and February 2017. The primary objective of the survey was to establish a comprehensive, consolidated global view on the existing institutional arrangements for the provision of meteorological services to international air navigation.
16 Jan
22 Dec
News from Secretariat
After 19 years of dedicated service to the Aeronautical Meteorology Programme of WMO and the Commission for Aeronautical Meteorology, Ms Brigitte Vuitteney-Gelman went to a well deserved retirement. A farewel party for Brigitte took place at the WMO Secretariat on the 19 December. Brigitte received a lot of flowers and thanks from all colleagues who worked with her including the members of the CAeM Management Group
Best wishes to Brigitte for a long and happy retired life!
04 Sep
2/2017 CAeM Newsletter published
The 2/2017 issue of the CAeM Newsletter has now been published.
You can access it here: link to the newsletter
11 May
EC-69 Special Dialogue on the Future of Aeronautical Meteorological Services
The Executive Council devoted Thursday, 11 May 2017 to discuss the evolving requirements for the provision of meteorological services to international air navigation and the impacts of the envisaged changes on the National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) and other aeronautical meteorological service providers (AMSPs).
02 May
Meeting of WMO Secretary-General with the Secretary General of ICAO
On 28 April 2017, the Secretary-General of WMO, Prof. Petteri Taalas met with Dr Fang Liu, the Secretary General of ICAO to discuss the cooperation between the two organizations in the field of aeronautical meteorology.
13 Feb
1/2017 CAeM Newsletter published
The 1/2017 issue of the CAeM Newsletter has now been published.
You can access it here: link to the newsletter
19 Jan
Update on the status of response to the CAeM Global Survey 2016
The CAeM Global Survey on National Arrangements for the Provision of Aeronautical Meteorological Service by the WMO Members has received an excellent response rate. As of 31 January 2017, 165 complete responses have been received from the 190 surveyed Member States and Territories, which makes a 87% global response rate. The status of responses is graphically presented below:
02 Dec
Entry into force of the WMO standard on the qualification of aeronautical meteorological forecasters
Seven years ago, a major change for the aviation meteorology was adopted by the WMO Congress and this change started with the implementation of a new concept - Meteorologist competency - which became effective on 1 December 2013.
In order to ensure not only the competency of Aviation Meteorologists but also the education level for Aviation Forecasters, the Basic Instruction Package for Meteorologists (BIP-M) became compulsory.
28 Oct
CAeM Global Survey 2016
We are pleased to inform you of the conduct of an online survey by the Commission for Aeronautical Meteorology (CAeM) Expert Team on Governance (ET-GOV) on the national arrangements for the provision of aeronautical meteorological service in the WMO Members.
06 Oct
CAeM Newsletter is on
The first issue of the CAeM Newsletter has been published. You can access it here: link to the CAeM Newsletter .