The Abridged Final Report (Part I) and the Progress Report (Part II) of the sixteenth session of the Commission for Aeronautical Meteorology (CAeM-16) held in Exeter, United Kingdom from 24 to 27 July 2018 is now available on the WMO e-Library here (WMO Publication No. 1222).
11 Oct
04 Sep
CAeM Newsletter Issue 2/2018 is now available
The CAeM Newsletter Issue 2/2018 is now available. Click here.
02 Aug
Election of CAeM President and Vice-president
At the CAeM-16 Session, held July 24 to 27 2018 in Exeter, United Kingdom, the Commisison elected its new President and Vice-president. Ian Lisk (United Kingdom) was elected President, continuing upon his 8 years as Vice-president of the Commission. Stephanie Desbios (France) became the newly-elected Vice-president.
09 May
Publication of the Proceedings of the 2017 WMO Aeronautical Meteorology Scientific Conference
The Proceedings of the 2017 WMO Aeronautical Meteorology Scientific Conference (AeroMetSci-2017) held in Toulouse, France, from 6 to 10 November 2017, have been published as AeM SERIES No. 2
Issuance of an update to Aviation Hazards publication
WMO has issued a 2018 update to its Aviation Hazards publication. Aviation Hazards was formerly WMO TD-No. 1390 but has now been published as AeM SERIES No. 3.
26 Feb
CAeM Newsletter Issue 1/2018 is now available
The CAeM Newsletter Issue 1/2018 is now available, click here.
In addition, a satisfaction survey has been sent to all newsletter recipients to gather feedback. Click here to take the survey (open until 31 March 2018)
22 Feb
New WMO Guide to Competency published
WMO has recently published a new Guide to Competency (WMO-No. 1205). The guide will meet a great demand within the international community as it includes general material on defining and writing competencies, implementing competency frameworks that meet organizational needs, assessing for competencies, competency-based training and QMS-compliance. Furthermore, the new guide will interface with examples of various competency frameworks that already exist or that are being developed in a WMO context (e.g. for aviation, marine, etc.).
'Meteorological products versus meteorological information services - a short guide' is now available
Bart Nicolai (Belgocontrol), core member of the CAeM Expert Team on Information and Services for Aviation (ET-ISA) has prepared a short guide outlining the differentiation between meteorological products and meteorological information services.
This short guide is posted on the ET-ISA webpage (under 'Documents') and is available here as a direct link.
16 Jan
New edition of WMO Guide on QMS published
The new 2017 edition of the Guide to the Implementation of Quality Management Systems for National Meteorological and Hydrological Services and Other Relevant Service Providers (WMO-No. 1100) has been published. It provides guidance to WMO Members on how to develop and implement a quality management system (QMS). It also provides the steps for transition from International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standard ISO 9001:2008 (ISO, 2008) to standard ISO 9001:2015 (ISO, 2015c)
Improving Meteorological Information for Air Transport - a new publication by a CAeM expert
We are pleased to announce that Mr Jaakko Nuottokari from the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI) has recently completed a very interesting research which has been published as a Licentiate thesis under the title Improving Meteorological Information to Air Transport. This thesis provides an overview of the field of aeronautical meteorological research by introducing the organizations involved, global and regional strategies, impacts of weather on air transport, current st