The Terms of Reference for the Expert Team on Education, Training and Competency of personnel providing meteorological service for international air navigation (ET-ETC) are as follows:
(A) To maintain, update and provide guidance on the implementation of WMO standards related to the competency and qualifications of AMP.
(B) To develop a competency assessor framework and provide training and guidance for competency assessors within Aeronautical Meteorological Services.
(C) To facilitate efficient methods of education and training in aeronautical meteorology by making education and training resources available online.
(D) To coordinate with the WMO EC Panel of Experts on Education and Training in developing and updating WMO provisions on competency and qualifications of AMP for inclusion in the WMO Technical Regulations and related guides.
(E) To address emerging training and education needs for enhanced meteorological services stemming from the ICAO Global Air Navigation Plan (GANP) and the Aviation System Block Upgrades (ASBU).
(F) To contribute and develop appropriate guidelines and other relevant material meeting aeronautical users’ needs for training in aeronautical meteorology.
(G) To assist in the development of the additional second level competences to cover the specialist skills required for a Forecaster in in associated fields (i.e. Volcanic Ash, Space Weather and Tropical Cyclone).
(H) To report regularly on progress to the president of CAeM.