The terms of reference of the CAeM Management Group (CAeM MG) were established by Resolution 4 (CAeM-16):
(a) To assist the president of the Commission in guiding and coordinating the activities of the Commission and its subsidiary bodies during the intersessional period immediately following the sixteenth session of the Commission (CAeM-16);
(b) To ensure that the Commission effectively contributes to achieving the strategic objectives and expected results of the WMO Strategic and Operating Plans directly and through the activities of its subsidiary bodies and/or a community of expertise formed by experts nominated by Permanent Representatives of WMO Members (i.e. an aeronautical meteorology experts network or “AEMnet”);
(c) To ensure that the activities of the Commission meet the needs of Members, especially those from developing and least developed countries, in particular for training in aeronautical meteorology as well as for implementing quality management systems, cost recovery, and competency and qualification standards for aeronautical meteorological personnel;
(d) To keep Members abreast of the activities of the Commission and the results achieved by its subsidiary bodies, via the WMO website, newsletters and other means;
(e) To review requests for advice and assistance from regional associations on matters within the field of competence of the Commission and to ensure appropriately prompt follow-up actions;
(f) To ensure coordination and collaboration with other WMO constituent bodies on crosscutting issues, in particular with the Commission for Basic Systems (CBS), the Commission for Atmospheric Sciences (CAS) and the Commission for Instruments and Methods of Observation (CIMO), in pursuit of effective incorporation of scientific and technological advancements into operational practice;
(g) To ensure continued cooperation and collaboration with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), in particular with regards to the evolution and implementation of the Global Air Navigation Plan (GANP), associated Aviation System Block Upgrades (ASBU) methodology and timeline;
(h) To ensure continued coordination with other users’ organizations, as well as with other partner organizations at global and regional levels;
(i) To assist the president, when required, to make decisions on behalf of the Commission during the intersessional period on matters of priority, including the necessary establishment or dissolution of task-oriented CAeM subsidiary bodies, or the expansion or contraction of the AEMnet;
(j) To identify, define and prioritize the tasks to be accomplished and outputs to be delivered by the Commission in support of the Aeronautical Meteorology Programme (AeMP) and other relevant WMO programmes.