Item | | Document No.
1.1 | Opening of the meeting |
1.2 | Approval of the agenda | Doc01
1.3 | Working arrangements | Doc02
2 | WMO support to radio-frequency spectrum activities
2.1 | Outcomes of the 17th World Meteorological Congress | Doc03
2.2 | Decisions of the Commission for Basic Systems (CBS) related to radio frequency coordination activities | Doc03
2.3 | Organization of the Steering Group on Radio Frequency Coordination
2.3.1 | SG-RFC Members, Associates and Observers | Doc04
2.3.2 | SG-RFC regional activities | Doc04
2.3.3 | Responsible persons for specific issues | Doc04
2.4 | Coordination with other organizations |
2.4.1 | SG-RFC cooperation with the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) | Doc18.1, Doc18.2
2.4.2 | SG-RFC activities in the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) | Doc06.1, Doc06.2, Doc06.3, Doc06.4, Doc06.5, Doc06.6, Doc06.7, Doc06.8*, Doc06n
2.4.3 | SG-RFC coordination with CGMS | Doc07
2.4.4 | SG-RFC coordination with the Space Frequency Coordination Group (SFCG) | Doc08a,Doc08b*, Doc08c*
2.4.5 | SG-RFC relations with the Commission for Instruments and Methods for Observations (CIMO) | Doc09
3 | WMO/SG-RFC preparation for the World Radiocommunication Conference 2019 (WRC-19)
3.1 | Report on the outcome of WRC-15 | WDoc01*
3.2 | Preparation of WMO preliminary postion on WRC-19 | WDoc02*, WDoc02a*, WDoc02b*, Doc06.1, Doc06.2, Doc06.3, Doc06.4, Doc06.5, Doc06.6, Doc06.7, Doc06.8*, Doc19 (WMO Position)
4 | Spectrum issues related to meteorological and Earth exploration applications/systems
4.1 | Applications in the meteorological aids service | Doc10.0,Doc10.1
4.2 | Applications in the meteorological-satellite service | Doc11a, Doc11b
4.3 | Spaceborne remote sensing applications | Doc12.1
4.4 | Issues related to weather radars and wind-profiler | Doc13, Doc13b
4.5 | Issues related to "Space Weather" | Doc14*, Doc14b,Doc14c,Doc14d
4.6 | Other radio-frequency spectrum issues | Doc15a, Doc15b
5 | Review of WMO/ITU Handbook "Use of radio spectrum for meteorology: weather, water and climate monitoring and prediction" | Doc05,WDoc03*
6 | Further activities (list of actions, next meetings, etc.) | Doc16
7 | Any other business | Doc17
7.1 | Observing Systems Capability Analysis And Review Tool (OSCAR) | **
7.2 | OGC Spectrum ML correspondence | **
7.3 | WMO/ITU Seminar | Doc17
8 | Closure of the meeting |