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WWW Operational Newsletter - 2008


Notification Date


Access to WMO Mandatory Publications 22 December

We informed you in our March/April 2008 issue of access procedures to WMO mandatory publications. Kindly ignore these procedures and follow the new access requirements as indicated in the modified letter dispatched on 2 December 2008:

We would like to apologize to those of you who have encountered difficulties during this transition period.

List of WMO Mandatory Publications


Publications issued in 2008  

WMO No. 9 - Weather Reporting - 2008 edition:

  • Volume A - Observing Stations
  • Volume C1 - Catalogue of Meteorological Bulletins
  • Volume C2 - Transmission programmes
  • Volume D - Information for Shipping
22 December
WMO Publication No. 386 - Manual on the GTS: Volume I - Volume II July
WMO Publication No. 306 - Manual on Codes: Volume I.1 - Part A - Alphanumeric Codes July


Potential WIS centres 12 December

Request by the WMO Secretariat for urgent input to the following:

In mid-October 2008, a circular letter was sent to Members, with copy to Technical Commissions, seeking their identification of potential GISCs and DCPCs for an inaugural list of potential WIS centres to be presented to CBS-XIV and Executive Council-LXI in 2009.

At present we have received input from the following centres, see ftp://ftp.wmo.int/Documents/wis/centres/ .

It would be greatly appreciated if those RTHs that have not responded do so as soon as possible as we are expecting NMHS to nominate their RTH centres as DCPCs under WIS.

For an example of type of input required see:
USA (ftp://ftp.wmo.int/Documents/wis/centres/usa.pdf) - identifying the separate DCPC activities (where appropriate)
ECMWF (ftp://ftp.wmo.int/Documents/wis/centres/ecmwf.pdf) - addressing the WIS compliance specifications.

Should you require additional clarification for completing the questionnaire do not hesitate to contact us.


RTH Focal Points 20 November

RTH Focal Points for Tokyo, Japan: Mr. Shimazaki will be joining the WMO Secretariat in January 2009 and is replaced by Mr. Kenji Tsunoda.


Focal points for observing stations 20 November

Change in focal point for Denmark.


Volume A - corrigendum 20 November

Notification from the Netherlands to rectify station 06235/EHKD "De Kooiy" to read: 06235/EHKD "De Kooij".


Airbase Soesterberg (NL) closed 15/11/2008 12 November

Notification from The Netherlands that on 15 November 2008 the Royal Netherlands Air Force air base Soesterberg (06265 - EHSB) will officially close its gates. In addition, the meteorological observation site will be dismantled.

As a result of this, the routine (fully automated) production and exchange of all types of operational and climatological observations will terminate as from 17-11-2008. This concerns (inter)national distribution of SYNOP, METAR, KLIM (national product) and TAF forecast.


Additional Data and Products - Resolution 40 (Cg-XII) 6 November

Additional Data/Products WMO Resolution 40 (Cg-XII) - All Netherlands synoptic data are to be considered as essential effective 1 January 2009.

Additional data and products home page


Snow Reporting 6 November

REMINDER: It is recalled that reporting of snow on the ground (not only snow falling in past or present weather) is part of SYNOP Section 3.  Reporting of this information follows Regional Regulations as defined in WMO No. 306 - Manual on Codes - Volume II.  This rule applies to all Regions, including regions I and V.  Reporting of group 4E'sss is mandatory (shall be included at least once daily) when there is snow or ice on the ground.  Only the time(s) of reporting may vary from Region to Region.

Region 1: at 0600 or 1200 UTC
Region 2: preferably at 0000 UTC
Region 3: preferably at 1200 UTC
Region 4: at 0600 or 1200 UTC
Region 5: at 0000 or 1800 UTC
Region 6: preferably at 0600 UTC


Operational Newsletters 2008 September

Operational Newsletters for 2008
>>Newsletter Archive


Daylight Saving Time - New Zealand 27 September

New Zealand will introduce a period of daylight saving from 1400 UTC 27 September 2008 to 1400 UTC 4 April 2009. During this period all upper air sounding will be carried out one hour earlier but synop reports will continue to be made at UTC times.


Codes 25 September

WMO No. 306 - Manual on Codes - Volume I.1 – Part A – Alphanumeric Codes

Corrigendum to Supplement No. 6.


International Codes - National Practices 7 May

Notification from Japan: The aeronautical code changes for METAR/SPECI and TAF (based on ICAO Amendment 73), due to be implemented on 2 November 2005, will be put into operation by Japan as from 15 UTC on 22 May 2008.


Regional Basic Synoptic and Climatological Networks (RBSN and RBCN)  
Amendments in RA II 25 September
Amendments in RA VI 13 May
Amendments in RA II April
To view the complete updated list  


Redesign of web pages 24 September

The Operational Information web pages have been redesigned so if you notice any errors or wish to see other information included please let us know by completing our feedback form.


Analysis of Bulletin Headers and Contents of Bulletins 24 September

The analysis using the July 2008 SMM is now available.

RTH Centres should review the contents of Volume C1 - Catalogue of Meteorological Bulletins
and send their amendments to the WMO Secretariat.


Migration to Table Driven Code Form (TDCF) 23 September

Monitoring the evolution of BUFR/CREX bulletins in Volume C1
Related to the migration from the Traditional Alphanumeric Codes (TAC) to the Table Driven Code Forms (TDCF)


Volume C2 - Transmission Programmes  
Chapter 1 - Data Distribution Systems via Satellites: Notification from the Russian Federation to add METEOINFORM system. 19 September
TERMINATION OF MTSAT-1R's HiRID and WEFAX broadcast services

Notification from Japan Meteorological Agency: Since the commencement of the MTSAT-1R operational service in June 2005, JMA has been providing HiRID (compatible with S-VISSR) and WEFAX imagery along with new HRIT and LRIT imagery, as a transition measure for users of S-VISSR and/or WEFAX imagery. After 0230 UTC on 12 March 2008 the only direct broadcast services available will be HRIT and LRIT>>SEE TRANSMISSION PROGRAMMES.

12 March


Volume D - Information for Shipping  
Addition of 5 new Arctic METAREAs (Chapter 5 - GMDSS) September
Greece (Chapter: 2; 3; 4) 20 February
Germany (Chapter: 3) 19 February
Romania (Chapter: 4; 6) February
To view the publication  


Routeing Catalogues 4 August

Links to the routeing catalogues from Melbourne and Beijing have changed as follows:


Monitoring of the Operation of the WWW July

Internationally coordinated monitoring of the operation of the WWW on a non-real-time basis

A letter of invitation to participate in the 2008 Annual Global Monitoring (AGM) and the pre-operational phase of the Integrated WWW Monitoring (IWM) and its annexes (procedures, monitoring reference data sets) are available from:

http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/www/ois/monitor/WWWqtyMonitoring.html or http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/www/ois/monitor/agm/index.html


ECMWF Wave Forecasts for WMO 24 April

ECMWF has now made a range of graphical marine forecast products available to WMO Members as part of their web service.  These products are provided to particularly support severe weather marine forecasting.  For further information see: http://www.ecmwf.int/publications/cms/get/ecmwfnews/218


GCOS Networks February

GCOS SURFACE NETWORK (GSN): [List of changes] [Station List] [Map]

GCOS UPPER AIR NETWORK (GUAN): [List of changes] [Station List] [Map]


Volume A - Observing Stations
METNO Archive Thursdays


Volume C1 - Catalogue of Meteorological Bulletins
METNO archive Tuesdays


Buoy Data  
Australia End of month
Canada End of month
New Zealand Mid month
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Hourly
United States of America Weekly
EUMETNET Surface Marine Programme End of month




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