(Brasilia, Brazil, 31 August - 3 September 2010)
Contact points in the WMO Secretariat: Pierre Kerhervé, Atsushi Shimazaki


Report  of the meeting

Second meeting of the Inter-Programme Expert Team on Data Representation and Codes (IPET-DRC)

Reference documents

First meeting of the Inter-Programme Expert Team on Data Representation and Codes (IPET-DRC)
Introduction of the Manual on Codes, Vol. I.1 and Vol. I.2
Outcomes of sessions of the Executive Council and the Commission for Basic Systems related to data representation
Activities of the Expert Team on Operational Data Representation (CBS/CAeM-ET-ODR) - CAeM-XIV/PINK 7(2)


Documentation (last update: 26 August 2010)

Agenda item
Submitted by
Information for participants
List of participants
   1.1    Opening of the meeting    
   1.2    Approval of the agenda Doc 1.2(1) r1
Doc 1.2(2) r1
   1.3    Working arrangement    
 2 GRIB    
   2.1    Status of proposals at or before the IPET-DRC-I Doc 2.1 Secretariat
   2.2    Amendments to GRIB (common aspects)    
      2.2(1)    GRIB Calendar Identification Doc 2.2(1) r1 Richard Weedon
   2.3    Additions and modifications of templates and tables    
      2.3(1)       Encoding wave spectra in GRIB Edition 2 Doc 2.3(1) Sibylle Krebber
      2.3(2)       Waves parameters Doc 2.3(2) Enrico Fucile
      2.3(3)       GRIB2 parameters for Fire Weather Products Doc 2.3(3) r1 Jeff Ator
      2.3(4)       GRIB Variable GRID Definition Templates Doc 2.3(4) Richard Weedon
      2.3(5)       Logarithmic hybrid coordinate Doc 2.3(5) Yves Pelletier
      2.3(6)       GRIB2 parameters for Climate Forecast Products Doc 2.3(6) Jeff Ator
      2.3(7)       GRIB2 parameters for Ice Analysis and Forecasting Products Doc 2.3(7) Yves Pelletier
      2.3(8)       GRIB2 parameters for Storm Prediction Doc 2.3(8) r1 Jeff Ator
      2.3(9)       Generalized vertical height coordinate in GRIB Edition 2 Doc 2.3(9) Sibylle Krebber
      2.3(10)       New entries in Code Table 4.7 - Derived forecast Doc 2.3(10) Sibylle Krebber
      2.3(11)       Issues for Representing Space Weather in GRIB2 Doc 2.3(11) Jeff Ator
      2.3(12)       Proposal for coding radioisotopes in GRIB2 Doc 2.3(12) Sibylle Krebber
      2.3(13)       How to code precipitation amounts in GRIB2 or clarification of the
      application of statistical processing
Doc 2.3(13) Sibylle Krebber
   3.1    Status of proposals at or before the IPET-DRC-I Doc 3.1 Secretariat
   3.2    Amendments to BUFR/CREX (common aspects)    
      3.2(1)      Versioning of BUFR and CREX tables Doc 3.2(1) Secretariat
      3.2(2)      A new entry in Specifications of octet contents Doc 3.2(2) Eva Cervena
   3.3    Additions and modifications of tables    
      3.3(1)       Withdrawal of SIGMET templates proposed for validation Doc 3.3(1) Simon Elliott
      3.3(2)       National data in templates for surface observations Doc 3.3(2) Yves Pelletier
      3.3(3)       A proposal for Universal BUFR template for representation of Lightning
      data Formulated in June 2010
Doc 3.3(3) Richard Weedon
      3.3(4)       Update from JCOMM on developments of BUFR templates, including
      template for XBT data
Doc 3.3(4) Hester Viola
      3.3(5)       Revision of sub-categories for ozone data, including telecommunication
Doc 3.3(5) Eva Cervena
      3.3(6)       Entries in Common Code table C-4 for a recording type Doc 3.3(6) r1 Hester Viola
      3.3(7)       Entries in Common Code table C-5 for multiple satellite products Doc 3.3(7) Simon Elliott
      3.3(8)       BUFR/CREX descriptors related to AWS Doc 3.3(8) Eva Cervena
      3.3(9)       Descriptors for all sky radiance Doc 3.3(9) Simon Elliott
      3.3(10)       Amendments to the Class 00 and use of UTF-8 Doc 3.3(10) Secretariat
      3.3(11)       Validation of EUCOS BUFR template for representation of radiosonde
Doc 3.3(11) Eva Cervena
      3.3(12)       Examples of usage TM 307093 for representation of nominal values Doc 3.3(12) Eva Cervena
      3.3(13)       Proposal for modifications/additions related to representation of
      nominal values
Doc 3.3(13) Eva Cervena
      3.3(14)       New BUFR descriptors for ATMS data Doc 3.3(14) Jeff Ator
      3.3(15)       New BUFR code table entries Doc 3.3(15) Jeff Ator
      3.3(16)       New BUFR descriptors for VIIRS data Doc 3.3(16) Jeff Ator
      3.3(17)       New BUFR/CREX Class 0 descriptors Doc 3.3(17) Jeff Ator
      3.3(18)       A note to BURF/CREX descriptors 0 20 019 and 0 20 020 Doc 3.3(18) Eva Cervena
      3.3(19)       Change to BUFR Manual - Footnote to radiological elements - Doc 3.3(19) Richard Weedon
      3.3(20)       Change to Common Code Table C-13 - Sferics - Doc 3.3(20) Richard Weedon
      3.3(21)       A BUFR sequence for NWP-generated vertical profiles Doc 3.3(21) Yves Pelletier
      3.3(22)       Template for representation of synoptic reports from fixed land
      stations in Germany
Doc 3.3(22) Sibylle Krebber
      3.3(23)       Development of Code table 0 20 063 – Special phenomena New Code
      table 0 20 112 Supplementary cloud type
Doc 3.3(23) Sibylle Krebber
      3.3(24)       Additional entries in code and flag tables Doc 3.3(24) Sibylle Krebber
      3.3(25)       Status of existing proposals related to satellite data Doc 3.3(25) r1 Simon Elliott
      3.3(26)       New entry in Common Code Table C12 for COSMO Doc 3.3(26) Sibylle Krebber
      3.3(27)       Additional BUFR descriptors for the Evolution of clouds and Template
      version, additional notes in BUFR table B
Doc 3.3(27) Sibylle Krebber
   3.4    Regulations for reporting traditional observation data in Table-Driven
   Code Forms (TDCF): BUFR and CREX
      3.4(1)       Amendments to B/C Regulations Doc 3.4(1) Eva Cervena
   3.5    Master tables for scientific disciplines other than meteorology    
      3.5(1)       Master Table 10 review and update Doc 3.5(1) Hester Viola
   4.1    Amendments to the aeronautical codes, FM15, FM16 and FM51
                                                             AMENDMENT 75 TO ANNEX 3
Doc 4.1
App. I, II, III
   4.2    Discontinuation of the monthly upper-air CLIMAT TEMP reports Doc 4.2 Secretariat
   4.3    Past weather reporting in hourly synoptic observation Doc 4.3 Eva Cervena
   5.1    Migration status    
      5.1(1)       Result of WWW Monitoring Doc 5.1(1) Secretariat
      5.1(2)       Status of the national plans for the migration to TDCF and step-by
      -step migration by zone
Doc 5.1(2) Secretariat
      5.1(3)       DCP migration to                                   RARS-IGDDS-IG4_DCP-TDCF Doc 5.1(3) Secretariat
      5.1(4)       Report on Migration to Table-driven Code Forms in RA VI Doc 5.1(4)
Add.1(8 Aug)
Eva Cervena
      5.1(5)       U.S.A. migration status Doc 5.1(5) Jeff Ator
      5.1(6)       Status of the migration to TDCF in Canada and related activities Doc 5.1(6) Yves Pelletier
      5.1(7)       Migration activities within South and East Africa (From September,
Doc 5.1(7) William Chillambo
      5.1(8)       Activities in Migration to Table Driven Code Forms in Germany, 2010 Doc 5.1(8) Sibylle Krebber
      5.1(9)       Status of the migration to TDCF in RA II Doc 5.1(9)
Akira Nakamori
      5.1(10)       Migration plan (Brazil) Doc 5.1(10) Jose Mauro Rezende
      5.1(11)       Migration status and activities of CMA Doc 5.1(11) Fang Zhao
      5.1(x)       (Activities by members of IPET-DRC)    
   5.2    Request from the CBS MG-XI on MTDCF Doc 5.2 Secretariat
   5.3    Encoder software for BUFR/CREX available for MTDCF Doc 5.3 Secretariat
   6.1    Electronic publication of the Manual on Codes, including database Doc 6.1
   6.2    Procedures for amending the Manual on Codes Doc 6.2
Annex I, II
   7.1    Collaboration with the Inter-Programme Expert Team on Metadata and
   Data Interoperability (IPET-MDI): Report of the first meeting of IPET-MDI
     and WIGOS standardization framework for data and associated metadata
     (referred by para. 3.2 of the report)
   7.2    Corrected and delayed reports in BUFR bulletins Doc 7.2 Eva Cervena
   7.3    Migration of OPMET data                      Report of 12th meeting of METG    
   7.4    Converting BUFR to a canonical XML Doc 7.4
Gil Ross




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