INFOHYDRO Questionnaire world map
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INFOHYDRO - Questionnaire

Who can submit ?

  • Hydrological Adviser
  • Governmental and non-governmental organizations, institutions and agencies dealing with Hydrology;


How to submit?

Download the questionnaire (Excel spreadsheet in English, 275 ko or .zip, 40 ko) and save it on your hard disk. By opening the form please allow macros. Fill in as much information you have and send the whole folder back to:CHY mail box

Download the questionnaire

The questionnaire is also available in:

- Spanish (Excel spreadsheet 239 ko) or Zip file (40 ko)
- French (Excel spreadsheet 233 ko) or Zip file (39 ko)
- Russian (Excel spreadsheet 162 ko) or Zip file (31 ko)


Before being published on line, all data will be sent to the Hydrological Adviser of the concerned country in order to authenticate them.

In cases where there are several organizations responsible for different networks, the Hydrological Adviser should fill a set of responses for his/her service and distribute one questionnaire to each of the other Services managing observational networks for hydrological purposes. Each of these Services would fill the Preliminary Information sheet, plus those sheets covering parameters they are responsible for.

In those cases where it is not possible to obtain responses from all the other services, the Hydrological Adviser should give an estimate of percentages of coverage of the data he is providing, something like: "data from country xyz, precipitation info covering an approximate 65% of the network, groundwater 30%, water quality not included."
This would also be the case in situations where the NHS is highly regionalized, and the inventory is complete for only one or a few regions.

Need more information?

Contact us:chy email address




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