Regional cooperation and development activities
Programmes > DRA > Regional Office for Europe > RA VI Work Structure > RA VI WG-CH

WG-CH Meetings

Third Meeting of WG-CH, 12-14 March 2013, Helsinki, Finland

Documents: Meeting Report
  INF.1, Annex 1
  Doc 1- Tentative Programme
  Annex II - The List of participants
  Annex III - The Folow up on the actions
  Annex IV - The Work Plan of the Expert Group on Climate
  Annex V - The Outline of the Expert Group on Hydrology
  Annex VI - The template of the Task Teams ' final reports
Co-chair-Climate Co-chair-Hydrology
Task Team-Regional Climate Centres Task Team-Hydrometry
Task Team-Regional Climate Outlook Forum Task Team-Potential Extreme Floods
Task Team-Drought Management Task Team-Flood Forecasting Warnings
Task Team-Water Scarcity Task Team on Climate and Water
Task Team-Agricultural Meteorology Task Team-Data Rescue
Task Team - Hydrometeorological Early Warning Systems  
Climate and hydrology related activities in the Region, by WMO Regional Office for Europe Conceptual Note on the MedCOF, by Dr Yolanda Luna, Head of Research & Development Department, Meteorological Agency, Spain

Second Meeting of WG-CH, 14 - 16 November 2011, Yerevan, Armenia

Documents: Information about the venue
  Doc 1- Provisional Agenda
Reports: Reports of Task Teams
  Meeting Report

First Meeting of WG-CH, 29 - 30 October 2010, Offenbach, Germany

Documents: Information about the venue
  Directions to hotel and DWD
  Doc 1 - Tentative programme
Reports: Meeting Report





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