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Programme > DRA > Regional Office for Europe

The Interstate Council for Hydrometeorology

of the Commonwealth of Indepedent States

The twenty sixth session

Cholpon Ata, Kyrgyzstan

12-13 September 2014



Nr Item Speaker Document
I Session I: Opening    
  Welcome speaches WMO Secretary-General Opening statement (Eng, Rus)
II Session II: The Activity of the NMHS and of the ICH/CIS    
II.1 The Activity of the NMHS    
  Azerbaijan Mr Mahmudov PDF
  Armenia Mr Vardanyan PDF
  Belarus Mrs Ghermenchuk PDF

Mr Mendigarin



Mr Usmanov






  Russian Federation Mr Frolov PDF
  Kyrgyzstan Mr Itibaev


  Tajikistan Mr Davliatov PDF
  Uzbekistan Mrs Nazarova PDF
II.2 The Activity of the ICH/CIS    
  On the Action Plan for the implemenation of the Concept for the hydrometeorological safety of the CIS for 2011-2015 WG-8  
  On the Plan for the implemenation of the main directions for the development of cooperation in the hydrometeorological activity for 2011-2015 WG-17  
  On the Agreement on the Interstate Hydrometeorological Network WG-12  
  On the Action Plan for the implementation of the Strategy for the development of the Hydrometeorological activity of CIS WG-12  
  On the establishment of the WMO Office for the Commonwealth of Independent States Round-table  
III Session III: Integrated observing systems    
  On the monitoring results of the activity of the Interstate Hydrometeorological Network for CIS for 2013-2014



  On the provision of the meteorological services for civil aviation of CIS WG-3  
  On the recommendations for the harmonization of the methodical approaches towards the quality assessment of the aeronautical meteorological forecasts in CIS WG-3  
  On the implementation of the Regulation on the information impact within the monitoring system of radiation status in CIS WG-9  
  On the organization and conduction of the hydrobiological observations on water bodies in CIS WG-9  
  On the Programme of the perspective development of the NMHS collaboration in the use of the drought monitoring system. WG-8  
  On the meteorological services for the XXII Olympic winter games (February 2014, Sochi) and for the XI Paraolympic winter games (March 2014, Sochi) Roshydromet  
IV Session IV: Scientific-research and scientific -methodical works    
  On the priority directions of the scientific research of the NMHSs of CIS for 2011-2015 WG-2  
  On the activity of the Nort-Eurasian Regional Climate Centre



  On the Action Plan for the development of the education and training system in conformity with the WMO requirements WG-10  
  On the preparation, adaptation and publication of the normative-methodic documents, developed by the Scientific-Research University of Roshydromet for the NMHSs WG-17  
  On the outcomes of the 7th All-Rusian hydrological Congress (November 2013, St Petersbourg) Roshydromet  
  On the outcomes of the 7th All-Russian Meteorological Congress (July 2014, ST Petersbourg) Roshydromet  
V Session V: Information and telecommunication systems    
  On participation in GEO activities WG-1  
  On the Plan for the NMHSs migration to the WIS WG-1  
VI Session VI: Working arrangements    
  On the ICH/CIS activity in the intersession period Round-table  
  On the Resolution of the CIS Secretariat Round-table  
  On the reorganization of the Working Groups of the ICH/CIS Round-table  
  On the participationof the ICH/CIS in the GFCS Consultation Committee of the Partner institutions Round-table  
  On the organization of the 27th sesion of the ICH/CIS Round-table  
VI Session VI: Closing    
  Press conference    
  Awards ceremony    
  List of participants    




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