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International Symposium on PWS: A Key to Service Delivery, Geneva, Switzerland (3-5 December 2007)

Symposium Programme

Monday 3 December (0800 – 0900)

Registration outside the Symposium venue

Monday 3 December (0900 – 1200)


  1. Opening (20 minutes)
  2. Beginnings of PWS in WMO and the societal value of weather. Climate and water services- Keynote – K. O’Loughlin
  3. PWS in the front line of NMHSs: What the PWS Programme has achieved so far – W.Kusch
  4. The PWS Strategy – How Does PWS Relate to Service Delivery – G. Fleming
  5. Investment Needs and Resource Opportunities for PWS: The Multilateral Development Banks Approach – K.B. Johm

140 minutes for talks (all at 30 minutes including 5 minutes for questions) plus 20 minutes for coffee

Monday 3 December (1400 – 1700)

Service Delivery

The challenges and best practices in the delivery of weather, climate and water services

6. Weather Services

160 minutes for talks (all at 20 minutes including 5 minutes for questions) plus 20minutes for coffee

    (a) Evolution in Service Production (How technology has changed forecasting production) – A. Gusev, President CBS

    (b)Experience in service delivery from a developing country: the case of Cuba - J.Rubiera

    (c) Experience in service delivery through working with regional centres– M.Ndabambi

    (d) Past and future of service delivery (especially the experience of working within the customer environment) - D. Robinson, S. Barnes, G. Leitsch

    (e) Communications Technology (How changes in communication technology are changing the way weather information is delivered ) – T. Molina

    (f) Weather Services in Support of Natural Disaster Mitigation – C. Y. Lam

    (g) Weather Services and Urban Environment – Tang-Xu

    (i) Innovations and new technology for improved weather services - J. Guiney & M. Staudinger

Tuesday 4 december (0900 – 1200)

7. Hydrological Services and Climate Services

160 minutes for talks (all at 20 minutes including 5 minutes for questions) plus 20minutes for coffee

    (a) The development of Hydrological Services  - B. Stewart, President CHY

    (b) Hydrological Services from Water Managers’ perspective – J. Mensah

    (c) Building Public Awareness Towards Hydrological – P. Munah

    (d) “CLiPS”: RCOFs, Regional Networking and Consensus Building, and User Liaison for Targeted Climate service Delivery – L. Ogallo

    (e) What Customers/Stakeholders expect from National Climate Services – D. Wilhite

    (f) Climate and Environmental Services for Development Needs – M. Boulahya, D.Rogers

    (g) Optimizing Climate Services for Climate-Related Risk Management (including communication of uncertainty to users) – H. Meinke

    (h) Development of User-Driven Climate Products and Services for Key Socio-Economic  Sector Applications - P. Bessemoulin, President CCL

Tuesday 4 december(1400 – 1700)

Education and Capacity Building

8. Building Capability in Service Delivery

100 minutes for talks (all at 20 minutes including 5 minutes for questions) plus 20minutes for coffee

    (a) Economic valuation and application of Services – J. Lazo

    (b) Educating Users: Sectors and Public at Large – E. Dhéliat

    (c) Communication Skills and Media Training for service providers – C. Martin

    (d) Communicating Forecast Uncertainty for service providers – J. Gill

    (e) Special Needs of LDCs – G.B. Diagne

    (f) Capacity Development for Investment and Policy Decision-Makers - P. Bénichou

9. Moderated Discussion on all aspects of service delivery, education and capacity building – J. Teather, B. Giles (Moderator)

40 minutes

Wednesday 5 december (0900 – 1200)

Looking Ahead

10. New influences  (20 minutes)

    (a) Political, Economical and Technological Influences That Will Shape Service Delivery in the Next Decade – D. Grimes

11. Changing roles  (60 minutes  followed by 20 minutes for coffee)

    (a) The role of the private sector in service delivery – M. Pirone

    (b) The role of the public sector in commercial services – N. Gordon

    (c) National Emergency Response and Management of meteorological Disasters: Towards Improving the Effectiveness and Benefits of Meteorological Disaster Prevention and Mitigation - Ms Jiao Meiyan

12. Taking Action  (80 minutes)

    (a) Through Pilot Projects Within PWS: “Learning Through Doing” – M.C. Wong

    (b) Examples of pilot projects and new initiatives : NMHS development and service delivery improvements – V. Tsirkunov

    (c) Examples of pilot projects and new initiatives (Malaria – Ethiopia) – S. Connor

    (d) ClimDev Africa Partnership - B. Ahmadu

Wednesday 5 december (1400 – 1700)

Service Delivery - the Next Decade

13. Panel Discussion (80 minutes with 20 minutes for coffee at end) – J. Teather, B. Giles (Moderators)

    (a) Strategy

    (b) Structure

    (c) Resources

14. Moderated Discussion (60 minutes) J. Teather, B. Giles (Moderators)

Wrap Up

15. Concluding Remarks – W. Kusch (15 minutes)

16. Closure (5 minutes)

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World Meteorological Organization, 7bis, avenue de la Paix, CP No. 2300, CH-1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland - Tel.: +41(0)22 730 81 11 - Fax: +41(0)22 730 81 81
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