
Fast Track procedure - MM51 - IWXXM 2.1.1

This amendment was approved by the President of WMO on 14 March 2018 with an implementation date of 15 May 2018.

Final date for responding to consultation: 15 February 2018.
Date of implementation if approved: 15 May 2018.

Letter sent to focal points on codes and data representation matters

Dear «Title» «FirstName» «FamilyName»,

Please respond to by 15 February 2018. If your response is not received by that date you will be assumed to have approved the proposal.

You have received this because you are registered as the «focal point role» on Codes and Data Representation Matters on behalf of «Country».

Personal Identifier
Your Personal Identifier for this consultation is:

«personal identifer»

You must use this personal identifier to prove your identifier when providing your response on behalf of «Country».

Request for your action
This fast track procedure concerns the approval of amendment MM51 to Volume I.3 of WMO-No. 306 Manual on Codes. The amendment corresponds to sub-release 2.1.1 of IWXXM.

Details of decisions for consultation
The decision I am asking you to make is explained in the referenced document C3-M-MM51-5-2-IWXXM2.1.1_en.pdf.

The amendments to IWXXM are described in the referenced document C3-M-MM51-5-2-ChangeDescriptionV2_en.pdf.

The change proposal for decision is:
MM51 Introduction of release 2.1.1 of IWXXM. The proposed amendment is designed to prevent valid reports represented as IWXXM documents being labelled as invalid by the IWXXM validation tools.

Designation of amendment as pre-operational_
This amendment is intended to resolve an operational issue in which some reports are flagged as invalid whereas they actually compliant with Annex 3 to the Convention on International Air Navigation. It has been tested by Hong Kong Observatory, UCAR and a representative of HMEI (IBL).

Simple (fast track) amendment procedure
The simple (fast track) procedure for amending WMO-No. 306 Manual on Codes is defined in that manual, and has been extracted to referenced document C2-M-MM51-5-3-AmendmentProcedureVolI.3_en.pdf (see section 3 of the document).

Pre-operational use
This amendment corrects operational issues with release IWXXM 2.1.0. Use of the amended validation schematrons or amended airmet.xsd does not impact on the content of the XML documents exchanged. Members wishing to validate the IWXXM reports they generated are therefore encouraged to use these amended versions in a pre-operational manner in order to avoid operational problems.

Date of implementation
The proposed date of implementation is 15 May 2018. Note that this provides five months’ notice, one month less than normally given.

Referenced documents

Action requested
Please indicate your comments on behalf of «Country» using the online form at Your “Personal Identifier” is at the top of this communication.

Permanent representatives who have not nominated focal points

Permanent representatives that do not have focal points to represent them may respond directly to this consultation using the form C3-M-MM51-5-2-ResponseForm_en.docx.

Others wishing to provide feedback on this matter

The only feedback that can be accepted under this procedure is that from authorized national focal points. You should raise any concerns with your national focal point. The list of national focal points is on the WMO website.

Documents supporting the amendment

  T Filename Hits Other Sorts
Actions application/pdf C2-M-MM51-5-2-AmendmentProcedureVolI.3_en.pdf 302 Information
Actions application/pdf C3-M-MM51-3-2-IWXXM2.1.1_en.pdf 335 Information
Actions application/pdf C3-M-MM51-5-2-ChangeDescriptionV2_en.pdf 297 Information
Actions application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document C3-M-MM51-5-2-ResponseForm_en.docx 180 Information
Actions application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document C3-M-MM54-6-1-EditorialRERASN_en.docx 95 Information
Actions application/pdf C3-MM51-6-2-SummaryOfNationalResponses_en.pdf 98 Information