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WWW Operational Newsletter - 2009


Volume A - Observing Stations
METNO archive
Flatfile of data on observing stations
Published: Every Thursday


Volume C1 - Catalogue of Meteorological Bulletins
METNO archive
Flatfile of catalogue of meteorological bulletins
Published: Every Tuesday


Buoy Data
Australia - Published: Monthly
Canada - Published: Monthly
Ireland - Published: Monthly
New Zealand - Published: Monthly
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - Published: Hourly
United States of America - Published: Weekly
EUMETNET Surface Marine Programme- Published: Monthly



WMO List of Meetings
World Weather Watch Programme (WWW)
WMO Information System (WIS)
Global Observing Systems (GOS)
World Climate Data and Monitoring Programme (WCDMP)
Published: Weekly


Radio-Facsimile Broadcasts

WMO No 9: Volume D - Information for Shipping - Chapter 3
WMO No 9: Volume C2 - Transmission Programmes - Chapter 3

Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) has increased the frequency of their daily weather warning information deliveries from 5 to 7, effective 12 October. This information is provided by the Meteorological Radio transmission Station.

Published: 8 December 2009


Upgrade of ECMWF Products on the GTS

Notification from ECMWF:

Upgrade of ECMWF Products on the GTS:
ECMWF has upgraded its products on the GTS. The spatial resolution for analysis and model data from the deterministic forecast system has been increased from a typical 2.5 x 2.5 degrees lat/lon to 0.5 x 0.5 degrees lat/lon. The products are available as global fields in FM92 - GRIB edition 2. The data is being inserted onto the GTS by our partners, the Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) in Germany and the Met Office in the UK.

The old products at the lower resolution will be available in parallel until the end of 2010.
In order to avoid a clash of the bulletin designators between the old and new data the last character of the CCCC group for the higher resolution fields has been incremented by one character (i.e. ECMF becomes ECMG, ECMW becomes ECMX).
Further information about the upgraded products, including listings of the bulletin headers and a link to ECMWF's GRIB API software that can be used to decode the GRIB-2 data, can be found at: http://www.ecmwf.int/products/additional/index.html

Please note: all of these products are also available for ftp download via the Internet from this web site.

Published: 8 December 2009


Update on Dutch observation stations

Notification from the Netherlands:

Dutch North Sea platforms, equipped with full AWS (final status):

Since 2006, The Netherlands (KNMI) has provided several North Sea platforms in the Dutch sector with AWS equipment. As from Monday 09 November 2009, one more North Sea station P11-B (06203-EHPG) is declared operational. This makes it a total of 13 fully automatically operating meteorological observation sites, hereby completing the KNMI implementation project.

All platforms or gas/oil riggs, equipped with a PWS (no PWS for 06252, 06320 and 06321), will produce AUTO SYNOP as well as AUTO METAR (for helicopter flight purposes) and AUTO KLIM (climatological reports, national use). All half-hourly AUTO METAR reports are included in one bulletin, explicitly devised for aviation observations in the Dutch North Sea sector: SANL33 EHDB.

Platform F3-FB-1: As of 09 November 2009, platform F3-FB-1 (06239) is producing observation data again, since it was declared meteorologically dormant at 6 January 2009.

Feedback form

Published: 9 November 2009


NMC Tripoli - area designator in abbreviated heading

Notification from Tripoli - Libyan Arab Jamahiriya that they intend to replace the area designator (MP) in their abbreviated headings for sending TAF(s) by their country designator (LY). Bulletin FTMP31 will thererfore be replaced by bulletin FTLY31. This change is due to take effect on 14 January 2010.

Published: 26 October 2009


RTH DAKAR website

RTH Dakar website is back in operation at the following address: http://www.asecnarep.com/

Published: 05 October 2009


Consulting Visits of WMO Information System (WIS) Experts

Between September 2009 and June 2010, WIS (WMO Information System) experts offer 3-5 day consulting visits with any potential WIS Centre: National Centres (NCs), Data Collection or Production Centres (DCPCs), or Global Information System Centres (GISCs). The WIS experts can provide direct support at strategic, operational, or technical levels, meeting with the host's in-house staff, contractors, and/or technology providers. There is no charge for the WIS experts' time, although travel costs need to be arranged...." Read Flyer for additional information.

Published: 14 September 2009


NOAA-19 RARS data

Following the launch of NOAA-19 on 6 February 2009 and its subsequent in-orbit commissioning, NOAA-19 sounding data are now processed on a routine basis by the RARS network and made available in GTS bulletins and files in accordance with the coding and file naming conventions indicated in: ftp://ftp.wmo.int/Documents/PublicWeb/sat/Projects/RARS-Coding-summary.xls

Published: 02 September 2009


ECMWF Products made available to NMHSs of WMO members

ECMWF has upgraded its download services for WMO members:
ECMWF has upgraded the service for WMO members to download high-resolution analysis and model data from the deterministic forecast system. The spatial resolution has been increased from a typical 2.5 x 2.5 degrees lat/lon to 0.5 x 0.5 degrees lat/lon. The products are available as global fields in FM92 - GRIB edition 2.
Further information about the upgraded service can be found at:


Published: 01 September 2009


National contact points for the WMO GMDSS Marine Broadcast System

Continue to view the PDF file

Published: 13 August 2009


WMO No 386 - Manual on the Global Telecommunication System

Recommendation 9 (CBS-XIV, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 25 March-2 April 2009) "Amendments to the Manual on the Global Telecommunication System (WMO-No. 386, Volume I, Part II)".

The Executive Council - 61st session (EC-LXI) (Geneva, 3-12 June 2009) approves these modifications with effect from 4 November 2009.

The amendments are available online.

Published: 30 July 2009


WMO No 306 - Manual on Codes

Amendments to the Manual on Codes

Recommendation 6 (CBS-XIV) – Introduction Chapter of Volumes I.1 and I.2
Recommendation 7 (CBS-XIV) – Volume I.2
Recommendation 8 (CBS-XIV) – Volume I.1

The Executive Council - 61st session (EC-LXI) (Geneva, 3-12 June 2009) approves these recommendations, with effect from:

  • 1 July 2009 for applying the procedures for amending the Manual on Codes as defined in Annex to Recommendation 6;
  • 4 November 2009 for amendments to the Manual on Codes for operational use as defined in Annex to Recommendation 7 and 8.

Published: 30 July 2009


Analysis of bulletin headers and contents of bulletins are now available for period July 2009

Kindly note that data from mobile station, transmitted during the SMM exercise, is currently unavailable.

Continue to view the comparisons ...

Published: 13 July 2009


Change in Focal Point for RTH Buenos Aires

Name: Mr. Jose Luis Gianni
Met Service: Servicio Meteorologico Nacional
Country: Argentina
Servicio Meteorológico Nacional
25 de Mayo 658

E-mail: gianni@smn.gov.ar
Tel: +54 11 5167-6702/6743
Fax: +54 11 5167-6709/6711

Continue to RTH Focal points page...

Published: 08 July 2009


Brazil - New moored buoys

Two new 3M buoys were deployed in early may by the Brazilian Navy off the coasts of Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul States, at 191 meters water depth.

WMO Buoy


Position at 17 May 2009













Published: 19 June 2009


Additional Data and Products - Resolution 40 (Cg-XII)

Rectification to information submitted on 5 May 2009. The text should have read:

Notification from Météo-France that its list of essential and additional data has been modified. The list of essential and additional products remains the same as the list submitted on 30 October 2007. Continue to Additional data and products home page....

Published: 17 June 2009


Global RARS Network

As of 19 May 2009, level 1c BUFR encoded satellite sounding data from the global network of Regional ATOVS Retransmission Services (RARS) are transmitted over the GTS using a common GTS bulletin header structure and, when applicable, a common file name structure. The RARS network currently includes 30 operational stations and is expected to cover more than 76% of the globe’s surface by the end of 2009. It delivers ATOVS data (HIRS, AMSU-A, AMSU-B or MHS) from NOAA POES satellites, and from METOP when applicable, nominally within 30 minutes after acquisition. Details on current and planned RARS stations, coding and identification of RARS data, data access and monitoring, are provided on: http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/sat/RARS.html and on the web pages of the regional RARS operators

Regional component
10 stations
15 stations
17 stations
14 stations
16 stations
18 stations
5 stations
11 stations
15 stations
16 %
Overall network
29 stations
42 stations
50 stations

Estimated coverage as a percentage of the globe's surface

Published: 18 May 2009


WMO No. 9: Volume D - Information for Shipping
Chapter 1 - Global Maritim Distress and Safety System (GMDSS)

Amendment to METAREA 3, Arctic areas and world map.
Continue to view Volume D publication ...

Published: 05 May 2009

Additional Data and Products - Resolution 40 (Cg-XII)

Notification from Meteo France that the additional data has not been modified and remains the same as the data submitted on 30 October 2007. Continue to Additional data and products home page....

Published: 05 May 2009


Radio-Facsimile Broadcasts
WMO No 9: Volume D - Information for Shipping, Chapter 3
WMO No 9: Volume C2 - Transmission Programmes, Chapter 3

Notification from Korea Meteorological Administration: KMA developed its digital (Village) Forecast System to improve its weather services to the public. This system has been in operation since the end of October last year, and has resulted in considerable changes in KMA's delivery format.

As a result, a different schedule has been in effect since 1 January 2009 for the weather reporting by the Meteorological Radio Transmission Station of the Republic of Korea. In addition, the same station has also started offering Tsunami Watch information and warning.

Published: 04 May 2009


Notification from The Netherlands re station 06290 - Twente

Barometer elevation 06290 - correction HP: After inspection, it was found that a correction of -/- 0.30 mtrs (minus 30 centimeters) is needed on the elevation of the barometer device of the Dutch AWS Twente (06290 - EHTW).

As a result, a new round value of HP = 34 mtrs MSL (34.3) has to replace the present value of 35 (34.6) in the station list. H/HA will remain the same (that is: 35). Continue to view Feedback Form...

Published: 04 April 2009


Regional Basic Synoptic and Climatological Network (RBSN/CN)

The Regional Association II (Asia) – 14th session (XIV – RA II) Tashkent, Uzbekistan (5–11 December 2008) approved a revised list of stations in the RBSN and the RBCN in RA II.  A consolidated list of each of the two networks in all six WMO Regional Associations and the Antarctic is available on our website.

Published: 04 April 2009

WMO 306 Manual on Codes

Volume II - Regional Codes and National Coding Practices

Notification from New Zealand: Following the implementation of changes to the aeronautical codes corresponding to Amendment 74 ICAO Annex 3. The amended New Zealand national deviations from the FM 15 METAR and FM 16 SPECI codes are available for insertion in WMO 306 - continue to view...

Published: 24 February 2009


North Sea observation stations

Notification from The Netherlands: Since 2006, KNMI has provided several North Sea platforms in the Dutch sector with AWS equipment. As from 10 February 2009, four additional North Sea stations (06201-EHDV, 06205-EHAK, 06211-EHJA and 06212-EHQE) were declared operational. Making it a total of 12 fully automatically operating meteorological observation sites. It is expected that in the future one more North Sea platform will be fixed up to produce fully automated observations.

The new platforms or gas/oil riggs, also equipped with a PWS (Present Weather Sensor), will produce AUTO SYNOP as well as AUTO METAR (for helicopter flight purposes) and AUTO KLIM (climatological reports, national use).

All half-hourly AUTO METAR reports are included in one bulletin, explicitly devised for aviation observations in the Dutch North Sea sector: SANL33 EHDB.

Continue to view the feedback form ...

Published: 16 February 2009


WMO 306 - Manual on Codes - Volume I.1 – Part A – Alphanumeric Codes

Reference: WMO letter dated 1 October 2008 and Corrigendum to Supplement No 6

Notification from Canada:

With respect to METAR/SPECI: ICAO designated aviation authority in Canada, Transport Canada, has been provided with the corrigendum but does not envisage any changes to Canadian practices given that these corrections refer to practices that are not followed in Canada. Canada does not include runway condition in the METAR/SPECI and does not use either NDV or CAVOK (Canada has State Differences on file with ICAO on these matters). Canada has another State Difference on file to indicate that Canada continue to use SKC.

With respect to SYNOP: The corrigendum regarding SYNOP does not apply to Canada as they do not report cloud layers at automatic sites.

Published: 15 January 2009


Publications issued

WMO Publication No. 8 - Guide to Meteorological Instruments and Methods of Observation

Published: 08 January 2009

North Sea platform F3 (06239) - temporary observation production stop

Notification from The Netherlands: As from 6 January 2009, The Netherlands North Sea platform F3-FB-1 (06239 - EHFD) stopped its fully automated production of meteorological observations.

It is estimated that after a period of 4 to 6 months from now, the production of AUTO SYNOP and AUTO METAR will recommence.

Published: 06 January 2009





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