Terms of Reference




The Inter-Commission Coordination Group on WIS (ICG on WIS)

The Inter-Commission Coordination Group on WIS (ICG on WIS) is a strong, high-level coordination mechanism spanning across the technical commissions was required, which continues the work of the Inter Programme Task Team on FWIS (ITT on FWIS).

Terms of reference:

  1. To coordinate the refinement and consolidation of the WIS based on the approved concept and then the implementation planning phases;
  2. To assess in detail the data exchange and data management requirements of WMO Programmes, at present and for the foreseeable future, which should be met by the WIS;
  3. To advise the technical commissions on the development in data-communications and management functions to be required in the WIS as regards their respective programmes;
  4. To guide the orderly evolution of existing WMO information systems towards WIS;
  5. To address the major issues that had been identified, as listed in the Annex to this resolution;

Major issues should address and coordinate:

  1. Development of a widely available, electronic (on-line) catalogue of meteorological and related data, including links to other national, regional and global catalogues;
  2. Further development and coordinated implementation of a detailed WMO metadata standard for all programmes;
  3. Promote the harmonization and consistency of data formats, transmission standards, archiving and distribution mechanisms to fully support inter-disciplinary use of data and products (e.g. ensuring that data from observation networks established by one programme can be shared with other programmes);
  4. Coordination of cross-programme standardized practices for the collection, exchange and electronic archival of data and related metadata, both high-level and detailed, including for stations and instruments (including expanded standard for station index numbering);
  5. Coordination of flexible, coordinated data-communication practices that evolve in step with the evolution of the Internet and relevant data-communication services;
  6. Mapping, with respect to information and communications, of the current and future structure and organization of WMO Programme centres to the functional components of WIS (i.e. NCs, DCPCs and GISCs functions).

Executive Council Working Group on WMO Integrated Global Observing Systems and WMO Information System (EC WG WIGOS-WIS)

The formation of this Working Group represents the high-level priority being placed on the integration of WMO systems, and the important role of WIS in facilitating further integration.

Terms of reference:

  1. Provide advice and guidance in the preparation of an over-arching WIGOS Development and Implementation Plan;
  2. Refine the WIS Development and Implementation Plan and ensure coordination between WIGOS and WIS plans to allow for an integrated WMO end-to-end system of systems;
  3. Monitor the development and implementation of WIGOS and WIS through a ‘rolling review’ mechanism;
  4. Monitor WIGOS-WIS ‘Pilot Projects’, as identified by Cg-XV, to test concepts, identify problem areas and to help in elaborating the Development and Implementation Plan.

The EC WG WIGOS-WIS formed a Sub-group on WIGOS (SG-WIGOS) to manage the inter-commission coordination of WIGOS activities and to function in much the same way for WIGOS as the ICG-WIS functions for WIS.

CBS Expert Teams

Terms of reference are from CBS-XIV final report

(WMO 1040 - CBS, Fourteenth session, Dubrovnik, 25 March - 2 April 2009).

(CBS-MG XIV added terms of reference for the Ad Hoc Task teams in July 2011)


OPAG on Information Systems and Services
Implementation Coordination Team on Information Systems and Services (ICT-ISS)

Terms of reference:

(a) Assess the implementation aspects at the regional and global levels, including sustainability, of the recommendations and proposals developed by the ISS Teams;
(b) Review and consolidate the recommendations and proposals developed by the ISS Teams with a view to their submission to CBS;
(c) Monitor, assess and take follow-up action on ISS requirements emerging from the cross-cutting WMO Programmes and other international Programmes/projects such as WIS, WIGOS, THORPEX, IPY, DRR and GEOSS;
(d) Identify matters requiring the urgent consideration of the OPAG on ISS, and develop proposals for tasks and organization of activities.

Inter-Programme Expert Team on Data Representation and Codes (IPET-DRC)
(Requirements for changes to representation forms should be provided by the WMO Programmes)

Terms of reference:

(a) Maintain WMO data representations and further develop table-driven codes in particular BUFR, CREX, and GRIB edition 2, by defining descriptors, common sequences and data templates, including the data representation of regional practices, so they meet the requirements of all Members and other concerned international organizations, such as ICAO, most efficiently;
(b) Adapt and update the alphanumeric code regulations for table-driven code forms; coordinate with the OPAG on IOS to ensure their observation representation requirements are met;
(c) Invite, coordinate and assist Members to validate modified or new formats, and provide Members with guidance on data representation of national practices;
(d) Monitor and coordinate the progress of migration to TDCF;
(e) Update the content of the Manual on Codes (WMO-No. 306) and associated reference and guidance materials as required and publish in suitable electronic formats;
(f) Publish the Code Tables in appropriate processable electronic formats;
(g) In collaboration with IPET-MDI, review and clarify the WMO data representations, to ensure efficient and effective implementations, interoperability and consistency with the WMO Metadata Core Profile and with the WMO data model that it is starting to be developed.

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Terms of reference:

(a) Development of a WMO core profile of the ISO 191xx series of standards for metadata and data, encompassing the WMO Metadata core profile of the ISO metadata standard, including relevant ISO 191xx feature catalogues, application schema(ta) and data product specification(s);
(b) Further develop procedures and guidance for the interoperability of metadata and data, including BUFR, CREX, GRIB, XML, NetCDF and HDF, and liaise with the NetCDF and the Climate and Forecast (CF) communities in this respect , in particular develop and maintain a WMO conceptual data model to facilitate the interoperability of metadata and data;
(c) Develop a WMO inter-programme metadata and data representation policy, including governance;
(d) Coordinate extensions to the WMO core profile needed to satisfy the requirements of all WMO Programmes;
(e) Develop guidance for the implementation and use of the data representation systems, metadata and the WMO core profile, including training aspects;
(f) Propose extensions to the ISO 191xx series of standards required for the WMO core profile and liaise with ISO and OGC as required.

Ad Hoc Task Team on the Application of Metadata (TT-ApMD)

Terms of reference:

(a) To identify standard ways of expressing information within metadata that is to be used by WIS to control access to and management of data.
(b) To identify emerging good practice in creating metadata that will enable users from outside the originator’s community to identify that the data are relevant to them and develop recommended practices to achieve this end
(c) To create educational material to assist Members in creating and managing metadata based on the experiences of those who have already created and used metadata
(d) To provide exemplars of metadata for a variety of common data set types
(e) To implement an educational programme for Members
(f) To assist Members improve the metadata for their datasets beyond the automated metadata generated for data listed in the GTS catalogue
(g) To develop a migration procedure from Volume C1 to metadata catalogue
(h) To actively promote within the WMO community adoption of the practices it has developed and the exchange of further best practice that evolves within the user communities
(i) To hand over maintenance of the guidance to a more permanent team by CBS XV (2012).

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Ad Hoc Task Team on Aviation XML (TT-AvXML)

Terms of reference:

(a) To identify the meteorological information that WMO must represent in the aviation XML standard in response to the requirement from ICAO.
(b) To identify the key characteristics required of the aviation weather XML standard to allow consistency with the emerging WMO data model and existing examples of best practice e.g. EUROCONTROL/FAA WXCM, and that will allow consistent evolution alongside other WMO data representations to avoid duplication of effort and inconsistencies
(c) To identify how the aviation weather XML standard can be maintained over a 50 year lifetime (METAR has been used since 1968).
(d) To create a draft standard for the conjoint ICAO/WMO meeting in 2014 (June) in a state that will allow meaningful testing by the aviation community and the supporting manufacturers
(e) To create a final standard in line with ICAO requirements that takes account of the lessons learned during testing
(f) To set up mechanisms for the creation, operation and maintenance of any catalogues, registries or similar that are required to support the aviation weather XML standard
(g) To create and provide the necessary regulatory and supporting materials for the aviation weather XML standard to be implemented.

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Expert Team on WIS-GTS Communication Techniques and Structure(ET-CTS)

(Co-chairperson on Data Communication Techniques; co-chairperson on WIS-GTS data communication structure.)

Terms of reference:

(a) Develop recommended practices and technical guidance material for data communication techniques and procedures (GTS, WIS and Internet), including security aspects, with a view to ensuring efficient and safe operations of information systems, and inform Members of relevant developments in standard bodies in particular ITU and ISO;
(b) Review standard TCP/IP procedures and applications, including new developments (e.g. IPv6) that are relevant to WIS and WMO Programme requirements, and develop recommended practices especially for the GTS;
(c) Review and further develop recommended practices for data communication and access procedures, including exchange of high priority data and products in support of a virtual all hazards network within WIS-GTS;
(d) Maintain the file naming convention, in particular for operational routeing and distribution;
(e) Develop the organization and design principles for the WIS data communication structure, and coordinate related pilot projects;
(f) Review and further develop the organization and design principles for the WIS data communication structure, in particular the smooth evolution of the GTS and the WIS core network;
(g) Provide guidance on technical, operational, administrative and contractual aspects of data communication services for WIS implementation, especially for the GTS at the global, regional and national levels, including dedicated and public services (e.g. satellite-based telecommunications, managed data-communication network services, the Internet);
(h) Advise and assist ICG-WIS on the relevant technical aspects of the Manual on WIS.

Expert Team on WIS Centres (ET-WISC)


Terms of reference:

(a) Further develop technical and operational specifications for the different components of the WIS Centres and criteria for interoperability and certification for actual implementation;
(b) Further develop specifications for the GISC, DCPC and NC interfaces, including a unified user interface for WIS components;
(c) Coordinate related pilot projects;
(d) Determine the monitoring requirements for the WIS and develop the WIS monitoring scheme;
(e) Advise and assist ICG-WIS on the relevant technical aspects of the Manual on WIS.

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Expert Team on GISC-DCPC demonstration process (ET-GDDP)

Terms of reference:

(a) Develop guidance and management procedures for the CBS demonstration and assessment of capabilities of candidate GISC and DCPC centres in the framework of the GISC-DCPC designation procedure as endorsed by Cg-XV;
(b) Organize demonstrations of capabilities of candidate WIS centres as required, including demonstration at CBS sessions.

Expert Team on GTS-WIS Operations and Implementation (ET-OI)

( Activities to be carried out in particular by the focal points of RTHs located on the MTN, in close coordination with the IPET-DRC chairperson with the assistance of the Secretariat, mainly by correspondence/ e-mail. )

Terms of reference:

(a) Monitor the WIS-GTS operational information flow and coordinate management of operational information exchange procedures, routing and traffic, with a particular attention to the exchange of high priority data and products in support of a virtual all hazards network within WIS-GTS;
(b) Assist in the migration to TDCF, in particular in a step-by-step migration by zones;
(c) Coordinate the implementation of the file naming convention;
(d) Coordinate the implementation of the WMO core profile of 191xx series of standards as regards the relevant exchange of data and metadata;
(e) Coordinate and further develop recommended practices and guidance on the management of, and access to, operational information related to WMO Programmes’ information exchange, especially for WIS-GTS operation (abbreviated heading tables, catalogue of bulletins and files, routing directories, etc.);
(f) Develop recommendations for coordinated implementation and planning of techniques, procedures and systems for the MTN and MTN centres, including towards the core communication component of WIS;
(g) Review, coordinate and further improve the WWW monitoring, in particular the AGM, SMM and IWM;
(h) Review the standard and recommended procedures and practices of the Manual on the GTS related to the operation of the GTS, and propose amendments as required;
(i) Develop guidance for planning and implementation of observation data collection systems for NMHSs, including interfaces with observation platforms, methods, formats and data-communication protocols;
(j) Identify implementation issues requiring the urgent consideration of the OPAG on ISS.

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Steering Group on Radio Frequency Coordination (SG-RFC)

Terms of reference:

(a) Keep under review allocations of radio-frequency bands and assignments of radio-frequencies to meteorological activities for operational requirements (telecommunications, instruments, sensors, etc.) and research purposes, in close coordination with other technical commissions, especially CIMO and the CBS/OPAG on IOS;
(b) Coordinate with WMO Members, with the assistance of the WMO Secretariat, to:
(i) Ensure the proper notification and assignment of frequencies used for meteorological purpose;
(ii) Determine their future use of the radio spectrum for meteorological purpose;
(c) Keep abreast of the activities of the Radio-communication Sector of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU-R), and in particular of the Radio-communication Study Groups, on frequency matters pertaining to meteorological activities, and represent WMO in ITU-R work;
(d) Prepare and coordinate proposals and advice to WMO Members on radio-regulation matters pertaining to meteorological activities with a view to ITU Radio-communication Study Groups, Radio-communication Assembly, World Radio-communication Conferences and related regional/global preparatory meetings;
(e) Facilitate the coordination between WMO Members for the use of frequency bands allocated to meteorological activities with respect to:
(i) Coordination of frequency use/assignments between countries;
(ii) Coordination of frequency use/assignments between various radio communication services (e.g. meteorological aids and data collection platforms (DCPs)) sharing the same band;
(f) Facilitate the coordination of WMO with other international organizations which address radio spectrum planning, including specialized organizations (e.g. CGMS, the Space Frequency Coordination Group (SFCG) and regional telecommunication organizations, such as the European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT), the Inter-American Telecommunication Commission (CITEL), and the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT));
(g) Assist WMO Members, upon request, in the ITU coordination procedure of frequency assignment for radio-communication systems sharing a frequency band with meteorological radio communication systems.

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Previous Expert Teams


Expert Team on Data Representation and Codes (ET-DRC)

Terms of reference:

(Requirements for changes to representation forms should be provided by the other OPAGs, especially IOS and DPFS.)

  1. Maintain all WMO data representation forms and further develop table-driven codes in particular BUFR, CREX, and GRIB edition 2, by defining descriptors, common sequences and data templates, including the data representation of regional practices, so they meet the requirements of all Members and other concerned international organizations, such as ICAO, most efficiently;
  2. Adapt and update current reporting practices in the alphanumeric code regulations for adaptation to table-driven code forms; work with the OPAG on IOS to ensure that statements on observing practices are consistent and in appropriate formats and locations;
  3. Invite and assist Members to participate in the experimental exchange of data encoded in modified or new formats, and provide Members with guidance on data representation of national practices, on a bilateral basis;
  4. Determine the continuing use of the different WMO data representation forms and recommend options for their future roles or disposition;
  5. Update the content of the Manual on Codes (WMO-No. 306) and the Guide to WMO Table-driven Code Forms, as required;
  6. Develop guidance and practices for the meteorological information representation based on XML and on NetCDF.

Inter-Programme Expert Team on Metadata Implementation (ET-MI)

Terms of reference:

  1. Pursue the development of the metadata1 standard to be used in the WIS as a WMO core profile within the context of the ISO 19115 geographic information standard, and contribute to, and interact with, ISO as appropriate, including creating a core feature catalogue in compliance with ISO 19110;
  2. Develop WMO metadata standard extensions specific to the WWW Programme, and promote development of extensions specific to other WMO Programmes in liaison with respective technical commissions;
  3. Further study the use of related ISO metadata standards, especially the ISO 191xx series, for the development of the WIS;
  4. Coordinate the development of reference XML metadata1 templates and reference implementation;
  5. Develop guidance for the implementation and use of operational information catalogues.
  6. To take the lead on identifying tools to allow users to create metadata documents, giving priority to tools to allow automated “harvesting” of routine data, to create an editor for manually creating metadata and to prepare a “best practice” guide;
  7. To communicate relevant ISO 191xx standards to other teams of the OPAG-ISS and to prepare for the use of “features” in version 2.0 of the WMO Core Metadata Standard.

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