Terms of Reference (OPAG-ISS) |
Programmes > WWW > CBS > OPAG-ISS
(a) Assess the implementation aspects at regional and global levels, including sustainability and necessary capacity-building, of the recommendations and proposals developed by the ISS teams;
(b) Review and consolidate the recommendations and proposals developed by the ISS teams with a view to their submission to CBS;
(c) Monitor, assess and take follow-up action on ISS requirements emerging from WMO Programmes and other international Programmes/projects, including cross-cutting activities such as GFCS, WIS/WIGOS, THORPEX, DRR and GEOSS;
(d) Identify matters requiring the urgent consideration of the OPAG on ISS and develop proposals for tasks and organization of activities;
(e) Advise the technical commissions on information management and data communications ssues, especially in respect of the WIS;
(f) Provide guidance for the ISS teams on requirements and priorities for development of the WIS.
(a) Maintain and develop recommended practices and technical guidance material for data communication techniques and procedures for use in the WIS, with a view to ensuring efficient and safe operations of information systems, and inform members of recent developments in standards bodies, in particular ITU and ISO;
(b) Review and further develop the organization and design principles for the WIS data communication and access structure, and coordinate related pilot and implementation projects;
(c) Review and amend as required the telecommunications components of the Manual on WIS (WMO-No 1060), the Manual on the GTS (WMO-No 386), their associated Guides and other guidance material;
(d) Provide guidance on the technical, operational, administrative and contractual aspects of data communications services for WIS implementation at national, regional and global levels, including among others satellite telecommunications, managed data communications network services and the Internet and co-ordinating cooperation with other organizations where appropriate to obtain operational benefits;
(e) Review and further develop guidance and practices for planning, implementation and operation of data collection systems for observing systems for NMHSs, including interfaces with observation platforms, methods and data communications protocols;
(f) Monitor the effectiveness of data exchange on the WIS in relation to the expected standards, and take follow-up action, including capacity-building activities, to address issues identified;
(g) Facilitate the interaction between Members and International Organizations on telecommunications issues, including ensuring remote communities and areas with limited access to modern communication systems are properly catered for;
(h) Advise the technical commissions on data communications issues, especially in respect of the WIS;
(i) Identify implementation issues requiring the urgent consideration of the OPAG on ISS.
(a) Review and further develop the technical and operational specifications for the components and interfaces of WIS Centres and criteria for interoperability, certification and Quality Management of WIS Centres;
(b) Operate the procedures for technical endorsement of WIS centres and advise CBS on centres’ level of technical compliance with standards and procedures;
(c) Review and develop the Manual on WIS (WMO-No 1060), the Guide to WIS and associated informal guidance to better meet the needs of Members;
(d) Review, further develop and oversee WIS monitoring activities, including those aspects of monitoring relating to the effectiveness of information exchange on behalf of the WWW and other Programmes, and take action to address issues that are identified by monitoring;
(e) Review, develop and coordinate recommended practices and guidance on management of
and access to operational information related to exchange of information through the WIS;
(f) Provide coordination and collaboration mechanisms for supporting the implementation and operation of WIS centres;
(g) Advise the technical commissions and partner organizations on roles, responsibilities and implementation of WIS Centres;
(h) Identify implementation and operational issues requiring the urgent consideration of the OPAG on ISS;
(i) Propose procedures for periodic assessment of the WIS centres, especially GISCs.
(a) Review and further develop the Table Driven Code Forms by defining descriptors, common sequences, data templates and the regulations supporting these, including data representation of regional practices, so they meet the requirements of all Members, WMO Programmes and other concerned international organizations, such as ICAO;
(b) Review and update guidance to Members and technical commissions on data representation, including national practices, and invite, coordinate and assist Members to validate modified or new data representations;
(c) Review, develop and update the Manual on Codes (WMO-No 306) and associated reference and guidance material as required, and publish these in suitable electronic formats for human and automated use;
(d) Review and develop procedures and guidance to enable the interoperability of metadata and data between WMO standards and formats used within other communities, such as NetCDF, using the WMO Logical Data Model as a tool to achieve this;
(e) Monitor conformance of data exchanged within the WIS and metadata records published to the WIS DAR catalogue with WMO data representation standards for utility and conformance with the guidance and WMO Core Metadata Profile, and develop action plans, including capacity-building, to address issues identified by monitoring;
(f) Review and update the procedures used to maintain WMO data representations, taking into account opportunities presented by the WMO Logical Data Model;
(g) Monitor progress towards and coordinate actions to implement migration to Table Driven Codes Forms;.
(h) Identify implementation issues requiring the urgent consideration of the OPAG on ISS.
(a) Review and further develop the WMO Core Metadata Profile, WMO Logical Data Model (“METCE”, Modèle pour l’Échange des informations sur le Temps, le Climat et l’Eau), and WMO standards for metadata and data exchange based on the ISO 19100 series of international standards (including XML) to meet the needs of Members, WIS, WMO Programmes and cooperating organizations such as ICAO;
(b) Contribute to the review of and recommend updates to the Manual on Codes (WMO No. 306) and the Manual on the WMO Information System (WMO-No 1060) and associated reference and guidance material as required, publishing these in suitable electronic forms for human and automated use;
(c) Review and update the procedures for maintaining and developing the WMO Core Metadata Profile, WMO Logical Data Model (“METCE”) and WMO standards for metadata and data exchange based on the ISO 19100 series of international standards;
(d) Propose to ISO and OGC changes to their respective standards that are required to meet the needs of WMO Members;
(e) Advise Members, technical commissions and ICG-WIGOS on WMO Discovery Metadata, the WMO Logical Data Model (“METCE”) and associated application schema and data interoperability issues;
(f) Identify implementation issues requiring the urgent consideration of the OPAG on ISS.