Pilot Projects and Related Initiatives
The pilot projects are for testing and evaluating various functional concepts and architectures and thus spearhead the implementation of WIS.  Some pilot projects have moved into operational status, but as WIS is still developing they are continuing to act as pilot WIS activities.
Developed by:  
WMO CBS WMO Core Metadata Profile
WMO CBS Internet Virtual Private Network (VPN) Pilot Project in Regions II and V
WMO CBS SIMDAT Virtual Global Information and System Centre (VGISC) in Region VI
WMO CCl CliWare System
WMO/IOC JCOMM End to End Data Management Project (E2EDM) system
WMO CAS The Global Atmosphere Watch Station Information System (GAWSIS)
WMO CAS THORPEX Interactive Grand Global Ensemble (TIGGE )
WMO CAgM WAMIS Grid Portal (World Agrometeoroloigcal Information Service, Republic of Korea)
Non-WMO ITU Common Alerting Protocol (CAP)
Non-WMO EUMETNET Uniform DAta Request Interface (UNIDART)
Non-WMO   Spatial data infrastructure
Non-WMO   Grid computing
Pilot Project: Development of WMO Core Metadata Profile
Developed by: WMO
WMO officer: Pierre Kerherve
Project officer: Steve Foreman (Met Office. UK)
Brief Description:

For the interoperability desired under WIS vision, it was essential to adopt a metadata standard that allows WIS to be described sufficiently for easy but appropriate discovery and data management.

IPET-MI was formed to create a special WMO profile of the ISO Metadata Standard 19115 and ISO catalogue standard 19110. IPET-MI has developed a profile (version 0.3) of the standard which has been approved by the Presidents of the Technical Committees. Version 1.0 is about ready for release. The process has identified several short comings in the ISO standards for application to the weather, water and climate community, so WMO is now working with ISO to enhance the base standards.

An import component of implementing metadata profiles is the availability of metadata entry tools that allow members to construct compliant metadata entries for their products and services. CMA has provided a developer to work with WMO on such a tool, which is now being tested within the VGIS project.
Relevant links: Development of theĀ  WMO Core Profile of the ISO Metadata standard
Pilot Project: Uniform DAta Request Interface (UNIDART)
Developed by: EUMETNET a collaboration of 22 European National Meteorological Services
WMO officer: Jean-Michel Rainer
Project officer: Geerd-Rüdiger Hoffmann (DWD)
Brief Description:

It is a Data Communication Programme that services data requests between users and meteorological data centres. The programme will be implemented as a Web portal application where registered users can log on and access the data stored in more than one data centre. The data access will remain under the control of each data centre.

Relevant links:
Pilot Project: Internet Virtual Private Network (VPN) Pilot Project in Regions II and V
Developed by: WMO-CBS
WMO officer:  
Project officer: Hiroyuki ICHIJO (Japan)
Brief Description:

Led by Japan, 11 countries participate in this project.

It has already demonstrated the feasibility of using Internet-VPN in WIS; further studies will address simplified VPN techniques suitable for very small National Centres, encryption, authorization, privilege levels and authentication to ensure security of data; the capability for an NC to request data, e.g., satellite imagery or NWP output suitable for display under SATAID and interfaces to RA VI VGISC and UNIDART in Europe.
Relevant links: Report on the current status WIS VPN Pilot Project in Regions II and V
Pilot Project: CliWare System
Developed by: WMO – CCl
WMO officer: Omar Baddour
Project officer: Alexander Besprozvannykh (Roshydromet)
Brief Description:

Led by Obninsk, Russian Federation.

CliWare is an information system for climate data providing a 24/7 operational mode via public Internet. Included are formats such as MeteoXml, HTML, text tabulated data, graph images, GML features, Map coverage, Geo images, and WMO FM codes.

CliWare retrieves requested data from its database and generates an output data set in the requested form and format. The dissemination service can use HTTP (request reply method), WMO FTP (request reply method), SMTP (push method by e-mail) and SMS (push method by cell phone).

Relevant links: [Doc] [PowerPoint]
Pilot Project: NCAR DCPC
Developed by: NCAR
WMO officer: Jean-Michel Rainer
Project officer: Don Middleton (NCAR)
Brief Description:

The NCAR DCPC is a pilot project for the development of a DCPC, building on existing national initiatives and infrastructure.

The role of the NCAR DCPC in WIS is to demonstrate the linking of a national interoperability infrastructure to WIS making data from WIS and the national systems discoverable and accessible in both systems. This work ties in closely with the UNIDATA components of OPeNDAP and THREDDS reinforcing the need for WIS to include OPeNDAP services and to be interoperable with THREDDS, as well as the addition of NetCDF to the list of file formats used in the exchange of information across the WMO community.

Relevant links:  [PowerPoint]
Pilot Project: End to End Data Management Project (E2EDM) system
Developed by: WMO – JCOMM
WMO officer: Etienne Charpentier
Project officer: Nickolay Mikhailov (RIHMI Russia)
Brief Description:

JCOMM GISC-E2EDM is a “virtual marine data centre” involving product generation, assembly, archiving and collection, based on the best data management practices. Included are: Grid technology metadata management concept, DiGIR (OBIS) request/response protocol database access service, OPeNDAP (NetCDF) format for “transport” data files, utilities for coding/encoding data, ESIMO (Russia) data model, navigation services, data search mechanism and visualization tools, data file access service, NercDG object segmentation ideology, Sea Sea-Search CDI (Common Data Index), WMO Core Search CDI (Common Data Index), WMO Core Metadata and the E2EDM Global XML Schema.

Work in this regard is now being addressed in the context of the WIGOS Pilot Project for JCOMM and the cooperation with IOC regarding the development of the IODE Ocean Data Portal (ODP).
Pilot Project: SIMDAT Virtual Global Information and System Centre (VGISC) in Region VI
Developed by: WMO – CBS
WMO officer: José Arimatea De-Sousa-Brito
Project officer: Baudouin Raoult (ECMWF)
Brief Description:

A technique that facilitates the synchronized interconnention of several computer centres within a grid with a view to optimizing load sharing and data interoperability. A SIMDAT portal will be installed on each site providing users with a single view of all data available at the participating centres. This capability makes SIMDAT a potent solution for WIS.

The objective of SIMDAT for the meteorology sector is to develop a virtual and consistent view of all meteorological data distributed in the real-time and archived databases of the partners and to provide a secure, reliable and efficient mechanism to collect, exchange and share these distributed data, in order to support research and operational activities of the meteorological community.

By the use of SIMDAT software and techniques, as well as standards for metadata, data discovery, transport and on-line browsing, the V-GISC infrastructure will improve the load distribution and availability of the system and provide a uniform external interface to the users allowing them to easily locate, access and use the diverse distributed forms of data and their associated metadata.
Relevant links:  [doc] [Tech Specs PowerPoint]
Pilot Project: The Global Atmosphere Watch Station Information System (GAWSIS)
Developed by: WMO – CAS
WMO officer: Slobodan Nickovic
Project officer: Jörg Klausen, (EMPA)
Brief Description:

Developed and maintained by QA/SAC Switzerland in collaboration with the WMO GAW Secretariat.

The GAW World Data Centres and other GAW representatives to improve the management of information about the GAW network of ground-based stations. The goal is to provide the GAW community and other interested people with an up-to-date, searchable data base of: Site descriptions, Measurements programs and data available, Contact people.

The harvesting of metadata and catalogue information from GAWSIS by a GISC will demonstrate how WMO programmes’ discreet information systems can be linked together under WIS to allow the discovery and access of data from world data centres that up until WIS sat outside of the GTS.
Relevant links: Global Atmosphere Watch Station Information Systems (GAWSIS)
Pilot Project: WAMIS-WIS Integration
Developed by: WMO – CAgM
WMO officer: Robert Stafanski
Project officer: Byong-Lyo Leel Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA)
Brief Description:
  • The CAgM established a Web portal called WAMIS for disseminating agrometeorological information.
  • The first phase of the WAMIS-WIS integration is the development of an ISO compatible search engine on WAMIS, which would enable users to make searches on WAMIS via WIS. A potential future phase of the WAMIS-WIS Integration is to provide an extension of WIS functions and services tailored to the needs of the agrometeorological community including databases, simulation models, web-GIS and other tools.
Participating countries are: Republic of Korea
Relevant links: World AgroMeteorological Information Service
Pilot Project: THORPEX Interactive Grand Global Ensemble (TIGGE )     
Developed by: WMO – CAS
WMO officer: Slobodan Nickovic
Project officer: Baudouin Raoult (ECMWF)
Brief Description:
  • This project develops multi-model ensemble systems.
  • Is a key component of THORPEX: a World Weather Research Programme to accelerate the improvements in the accuracy of 1-day to 2 week high-impact weather forecasts for the benefit of humanity.
  • This prototype global multi-model ensemble system consists of three models (CMA, ECMWF, NCAR).
  • It is expected to be distributed over a number repository sites and offer the user transparent and efficient access to the products.
  • One goal is to tailoring sets of products to the needs of end users distinguishing specific geographic areas and operational requirements, as this would minimise routine data transfer demands.
  • The challenge with respect to data exchange and management is formidable and important insights are expected from this project as regards the required operational capabilities of WIS.
  • It is Developed and maintained by WMO QA/SAC and hosted by EMPA, Switzerland in collaboration with the WMO GAW Secretariat.

Relevant links:

Pilot Project: RA I WIS Task Team
Developed by: WMO / RA I
WMO officer: Jean-Michel Rainer
Project officer: William Nyakwada (Kenya)
Brief Description:
  • A VPN Pilot Project: exchanging data and products over the Internet
  • A Web and FTP Server Pilot Project: providing data and products to other NMHSs and users via Internet
  • A DCPC Pilot Project: RA I Centre(s) (e.g. RSMCs, RTHs, advanced NMCs, etc) developing and experimenting DCPCs functionalities
  • An NC Pilot Project: RA I NMC(s) developing and experimenting NMS/NC role, including management of and authorization for national WIS user
  • A Metadata  Pilot Project: RA I NMC(s) experimenting metadata editing tools recommended by CBS for their own-generated data
  • Enhanced use of current effective GTS components (satellite links, VSAT, RETIM-Africa) to support operational-critical data exchange for other WMO Programmes (Marine, Hydrology, Climatology, Agrometeorology, Aeronautical Met,..)
  • The task team will also develop planning and implementation phases for the introduction of WIS services and components in RA I, including capacity building.
Relevant links: [pdf]
Pilot Project: GEOSS
Developed by: Non-WMO Projects
WMO officer:  
Project officer:  
Brief Description:
  • Cg-XV stressed that participation in GEO had to be on the basis of mutual benefit. To this end, the WIS project office has been supporting GEOSS architecture and data activities, especially AR-07-01 and AR-07-02 which relate to testing and implementing the interoperability capabilities of GEOSS and provide the connectivity between GEOSS and WMO.
  • GEO work plans are based on the 10-Year GEOSS Implementation Plan. WIS falls under the Architecture and Data Committee task AR-07-04 titled ‘WIS - GEOSS Operational Exemplar’.
  • Several tasks related to WIS are utilising or testing components of WIS in their development. For instance, TIGGE is a pilot project of WIS developing the use of the internet for exchanging large data sets.
Pilot Project: ITU – Common Alerting Protocol (CAP)
Developed by: Non-WMO Projects
WMO officer:  
Project officer:  
Workshops: A CAP Implementers Workshop was hosted in December 2008 at WMO by the WIS project office, in association with WMO Public Weather Service (PWS). The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS) were co-sponsors of the Workshop. This followed on the 2006 workshop on Advances in ICT Standards for Public Warnings, organized jointly between OASIS and ITU-T, with participation by WMO.

Current Activities: Participants at the 2008 CAP Implementers Workshop agreed on various actions, as listed in the Report on CAP Implementers Workshop 9-10 December 2008.

Relevant links:Flyer
Pilot Project: Spatial data infrastructure
Developed by: Non-WMO Projects
WMO officer:  
Project officer:  
Brief Description:
  • Project relating to ISO 191xx series of standards relating to spatial data and metadata
  • This technology is being used as a part of the IPCCC data sharing practices at the British Atmospheric Data Centre, and in various ocean data centres: Australian national bushfire monitoring service; European Geo-Portal
  • One of the goals of WIS is to enable all WMO members to be able to serve their data through such national initiatives utilising the same infrastructure as for their international collaboration
Pilot Project: Grid computing
Developed by: Non-WMO Projects
WMO officer:  
Project officer:  
Brief Description:

"A computational grid is a hardware and software infrastructure that provides dependable, consistent, pervasive, and inexpensive access to high-end computational capabilities." (1998 article by Ian Foster and Carl Kesselman, according to a 2002 "GridToday" article).  The ability to bring together different datasets, manipulate the data and then visualise the data is something that could be in scope for WIS.

The Earth System Grid and associated activity could become a key aspect to delivering these components should the scope be extended.

    • Community Data Portal and the Earth System Grid (ESG), USA - can be utilised to create the required capabilities of the NCAR DCPC
    • the Solid Earth and Environment Grid (SeeGRID), Australia
    • SIMDAT, Europe - a key contributor to the development of the Region VI VGISC
    • AUKEGGS, Australia-UK collaboration for the Exploitation of Grid and Geospatial Standards
Key initiatives in countries or regions aiming to facilitate the provision and use of operational information for the global monitoring of the environment:

    • Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) - joint initiative of the European Commission and European Space Agency.
Many of these projects have funding which may be utilised by member countries to develop their components of WIS where such components lead towards these projects objectives. The use of international standards and design principles increase the ability of members to be able to create synergy with these local and regional opportunities.

GEONETCast  - WIS is a major component through IGDDS.


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