Critical Success Indicators (CSI)
In order to measure the stages of WIS implementation it is necessary to define certain minimum Critical Success Indicators (CSI). These are more specific than the high-level milestones provided by CBS, EC and Congress and relate to maintaining the core functions of the GTS and to the new functionality available from WIS.  They should not be the targets for WIS implementation. They include:
CSI(1a) Before any member organisation or WMO programme can begin to utilise WIS they need access to:
  1. An operational catalogue for registering and discovering WMO data, products and services accessible to WMO Programmes and Members;
  2. A well defined metadata standard for registering and discovering WMO data, products and services;
  3. Existing GTS data and products to be registered in the catalogue;
  4. Availability of metadata entry and search tools usable by Members so they can enter their own data, products and services;
  5. Sufficient information returned from the catalogue discovery to be able to retrieve or access a service to retrieve the data, products and services registered in the catalogue.
  1. For non-members (ie GEO SBAs & the public) to be able to utilise WIS, it needs CSI(1a). However, they do not need the ability to register information in the catalogue. Also, retrieval may be restricted to information and services relating to Resolution 25 and Resolution 40 data.
  2. WIS cannot be considered to exist without meeting CSI(1a) requirements.
  1. Congress noted that the routine collection and dissemination service for time-critical and operation-critical data and products based on real-time ‘push’ mechanism including multicast and broadcast would be implemented essentially through dedicated telecommunication means providing a guaranteed quality of service. It also noted that the timely delivery service for data and products based on delayed mode ‘push’ mechanism would be implemented through a combination of dedicated telecommunication means and of public data-communication networks, especially the Internet. It recognized the routine collection and dissemination service and the timely delivery service supported the basic operations of NMHSs and were critical to the WIS architecture. WIS must continue to provide these services without interruption or degradation to the current levels.
  1. WIS is for all WMO programmes and Member countries, so it is essential that all programs and Members can utilise its new features based on registering information and services in the WIS catalogue. As such, WIS cannot be considered meeting all programmes needs without the establishment of user friendly metadata entry tools that allow the entry of metadata, check for compliance and allow inputting the metadata without having to deal with XML or any other web or computer based coding.
CSI(4) The WIS implementation cannot be considered fully operational until all CSI (1 to 3), including CSI(1b), and the following additional requirements are met:

  1. There are at least three functional, operational GISCs, each synchronising metadata catalogues and holding at least 24 hours of WMO information for global exchange;
  2. The majority of RTH are functioning in new roles of GISCs, DCPCs or NC, or combinations thereof (i.e. No RTH as such);
  3. All WMO Programmes are registering new data, products and services in the WIS catalogue;
  4. All WMO Members have access to GISC catalogues for DAR and for registering their own, data products or services;
  5. All Members are connected to a GISC, either directly or via a DCPC;
  6. All Members have access to information available for global exchange in real-time or near-real-time;
  7. Each official WMO language is available via at least one GISC;
  8. The majority of WMO Programmes have at least one DCPC;
  9. Governance procedures for nomination, establishment or removal of a DCPC and for an NC have been successfully utilised by each Technical Commission and all components by at least one Technical Commission.
  10. WMO Basic Document Series 2, Technical Regulations (WMO-49) have been updated to reflect the role of WIS in information management and exchange.
  11. WIS has defined capacity planning for addressing emerging infrastructure requirements.
  12. A process is in place to leverage the WIS requirements management process to plan for and manage future data and products.


CBS related meetings
Terms of Reference - OPAG-ISS
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WIS Working Groups
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