Data and metadata representation                     
Programmes >    WWW  >  Data Management

The standardisation of the representation of the weather, water and climate data and metadata is essential to ensure an orderly and efficient share and use of the information between WMO Members from the provider to the user. CBS tasked expert teams to develop and maintain the relevant standards, and to develop guidance for their implementation. The complete terms of reference of the ETs are available from Appendix X to the report of CBS-XIII.

Data representation

  • The Expert Team on Data Representation and Codes (ET-DRC) maintains all WMO representation forms and updates the content of the Manual on Codes (WMO-No. 306).
  • The Coordination Team on Migration to Table-driven Code Forms (CT-MTDCF) coordinates, monitors and assesses the implementation of the migration plan to table-driven code forms.
  • The Expert Team on Assessment of Data Representation Systems is tasked to assess advantages and disadvantages, including implications, of different data representation systems (e.g. BUFR, CREX, XML, NetCDF, HDF) for use in real time operational international exchanges between NMHSs and in transmission of information to users outside the NMHSs. 

Metadata representation

  • The Inter-programme Expert Team on Metadata Implementation (IPET-MI) is tasked to pursue the development of the WMO core profile of the ISO metadata standard, to assist in its implementation, and to further study the use of related ISO metadata standards, especially the ISO 19100 series, for the development of the WIS;
  • The Inter-programme Expert Team on Metadata Implementation (IPET-MI) is also tasked to develop guidance for the implementation and use of operational information catalogues, parts of the WWW operational information.




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