World Weather Watch (WWW) |
About the World Weather Watch
"4.2.1 Congress recognized that the WWW continues to be the"core" operational infrastructure facility for all WMO Programmes, new initiatives, such as the Global Framework fo Climate Services (GFCS) and the Global Cryosphere Watch (GCW), as well as for many international programmes of other agencies. Congress reaffirmed that the WWW Programme, with the evolving development of its observing, information, data processing and forecasting components, continues to be the backbone Programme of WMO that also directly contributes to the WMO cross cutting activities and to all WMO application programmes." |
World Weather Watch Programme |
1.1 The World Weather Watch (WWW) Programme facilitates the development, operation and enhancement of worldwide systems for observing and exchanging meteorological and related observations, and for the generation and dissemination of analyses and forecast products, as well as severe weather advisories and warnings, and related operational information. The activities carried out under this Programme collectively ensure that Members have access to the required information to enable them to provide data, prediction and information services and products to users. WWW is organized as an international cooperative programme, under which the infrastructure, systems and facilities needed for the provision of these services are owned, implemented and operated by the Member countries. This is based on the fundamental understanding that the weather systems and patterns do not recognize national boundaries and are always evolving on varying temporal and spatial scales, and that international cooperation is paramount, as no one country can be fully self-sufficient in the provision of all weather, water and climate related services.
1.2 The Programme's main functions are planning, organization and coordination of the facilities, procedures and arrangements at the global and regional levels, related to the design of observing and communications networks, the standardization of observing and measuring practices and techniques, the use of data management principles, the application of scientific and technical means for assuring, analysing and predicting weather systems, and the presentation of the information in a form and format that is understood by all, regardless of language. WWW is the key Programme of WMO in providing basic data, analyses, forecasts, and warnings to Members and other WMO and co-sponsored Programmes, such as the Global Climate Observing System and Global Ocean Observing System, and relevant international organizations.
1.3 WWW puts priority on capacity-building activities to avail of technological advances to enhance the WWW components, especially in developing countries, and on cost-effective, systematic monitoring and improvements to the operations of WWW that can be derived thereof. Thus, it allows Members to obtain maximum benefits from the WWW.
1.4 The WWW Programme effectively contributes to the implementation of all the WMO Expected Results of the WMO Strategic Plan. Many of the activities are strongly linked with all other WMO Programmes and it will provide direct support to the future WMO high priority areas, namely GFCS, DRR, WIGOS and WIS, Capacity-building and Aeronautical Meteorology.
2.1 The World Weather Watch Programme comprises the design, implementation, operation and further development of the following three interconnected, and increasingly integrated, core components: |
(a) |
Global Observing System (GOS), consisting of facilities and arrangements for making meteorological observations (including climatological observations) and other related environmental observations at stations on land and at sea, and from aircraft, meteorological environmental satellites and other platforms; |
(b) |
Global Telecommunication System (GTS), consisting of integrated networks of telecommunications facilities and services for the rapid, reliable collection and distribution of observational data and processed information; |
(c) |
Global Data-processing and Forecasting System (GDPFS), consisting of World, Regional Specialized, and National Meteorological Centres that provide quality-assured, processed data, analyses, and forecast products on a wide range of temporal and spatial scales. |
2.2 Coordination, integration and efficient operation of the three core components are achieved through support programmes as follows: |
(a) |
The WWW Data Management (WWWDM) support programme monitors and manages the information flow within the World Weather Watch system to assure quality and timely availability of data and products and the use of standard representation formats; |
(b) |
The WWW System Support Activity (WWWSSA) support programme provides specific technical guidance, training and implementation support, the WWW Operational Information Services, and supports cooperative initiatives. |
2.3 In addition, the WWW Programme incorporates three programmes that complement and enhance the core components of the WWW, as well as provide significant input and support to other WMO and co-sponsored Programmes: |
(a) |
The Instruments and Methods of Observation Programme (IMOP) improves the quality and long-term stability of observations and measurements of meteorological and related environmental variables through the standardization activities and coordination and promotion of the use of efficient methods and technology to meet the requirements of operational and research applications |
(b) |
The Emergency Response Activities (ERA) programme assists NMHSs to respond effectively to large-scale atmospheric pollution and environmental emergencies in close collaboration with other relevant international organizations; |
(c) |
The WMO Antarctic Activities (WMOAA) programme coordinates the WWW basic systems implementation and operation in Antarctica to meet the requirements for meteorological services as well as for environmental monitoring and climate research. |
2.4 The World Weather Watch component systems are primarily managed under the technical responsibility of the Commission for Basic Systems (CBS) with the exception of the IMOP that is managed under the technical responsibility of the Commission for Instruments and Methods of Observation (CIMO).
2.5 The WWW Programme works closely with other related programmes, in particular: |
(a) |
The Tropical Cyclone Programme (TCP), which assists Members in establishing national and regionally coordinated systems to ensure that the loss of life and damage caused by tropical cyclones are reduced to a minimum, and to achieve sustainable development; |
(b) |
The WMO Space Programme (WSP) which promotes wide availability and utilization of satellite data and products for weather, climate, water and related applications of WMO Members, and coordinates environmental satellite matters and activities throughout all WMO Programmes; |
(c) |
The WMO Public Weather Services Programme (PWSP) whose principal aim is to strengthen the capabilities of WMO Members to meet the needs of society through provision and delivery of comprehensive weather and related environmental services, with particular emphasis on public safety and welfare, and to foster a better understanding by the public of the capabilities of their respective National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs), and of how best to use the services that NMHSs deliver. |