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Purpose, Organization, Functions

Functions of GDPFS Centres

Functions of WMCs, RSMCs and NMCs

World and Regional Meteorological Centres

Final Reports of Meetings

Technical Progress Report on
the Global Data-Processing and Forecasting System (GPDFS) and
Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP)

TEMPLATE for Reporting
2006 Technical Progress Report on
GPDFS and NWP Research


Global Producing Centres of Seasonal to Interannual Forecasts
(July 2003)

Verification Systems
for Long-range Forecasts

Ensemble Prediction System (EPS)

Data Monitoring Index

Definitions of Meteorological
Forecasting Ranges

Arrangements for Meteorological Assistance to UN Humanitarian Missions

TC-CBS/DPFS-2002, Cairns (Australia)

GDPFS contact at WMO Secretariat



The main purpose of the Global Data-processing and Forecasting Systems (GDPFS) shall be to prepare and make available to Members in the most cost-effective way meteorological analyses and forecast products. The design, functions, organizational structure and operations of the GDPFS shall be in accordance with Members' needs and their ability to contribute to and benefit from the system.


It is organized as a three-level system of: World Meteorological Centres (WMCs), Regional Specialized Meteorological Centres (RSMCs) and National Meteorological Centres (NMCs), which carry out GDPFS functions at the global, regional and national levels, respectively. The GDPFS shall also support other WMO Programmes and relevant programmes of other international organizations in accordance with policy decisions of the Organization.


Functions of the GDPFS

The real-time functions of the GDPFS shall include:
(a)  Pre-processing of data, e.g. retrieval, quality control, decoding, sorting of data stored in a database for use in preparing output products;
(b)  Preparation of analyses of the three-dimensional structure of the atmosphere with up-to-global coverage;
(c)  Preparation of forecast products (fields of basic and derived atmospheric parameters) with up-to-global coverage for one to 10 days ahead;
(d)  Preparation of specialized products such as limited area very fine-mesh short-, medium-, extended-, and long-range forecasts, tailored products for marine, aviation, environmental quality monitoring, and other purposes;
(e)  Monitoring of observational data quality.
(f)  Post-processing of NWP data using workstation and PC based systems with a view to producing tailored value added products and generation of weather and climate forecasts directly from model output.

Functions of the GDPFS

The non-real-time functions of the GDPFS shall include:
(a)  Preparation of special products for climate-related diagnosis (i.e. 10-day or 30-day means, summaries, frequencies and anomalies) on a global or regional scale;
(b)  Intercomparison of analysis and forecast products, monitoring of observational data quality, verification of the accuracy of prepared forecast fields, diagnostic studies and NWP model development;
(c)  Long-term storage of GOS data and GDPFS products, as well as verification results for operational and research use;
(d)  Maintenance of a continuously updated catalogue of data and products stored in the system;
(e)  Exchange between GDPFS centres of ad hoc information via distributed data bases;
(f)  Conduct of workshops and seminars on the preparation and use of GDPFS output products.


Contact at WMO Secretariat

Mr Peter Chen 
Chief, Data Processing and Forecasting Systems
   Tel.:  +(41 22) 730 8231

Mr Joel Martellet
Scientific Officer
   Tel.:    +(41 22) 730 8313



World Weather Watch
World Meteorological Organization
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PO Box 2300
CH-1211 Geneva 2


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