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Programmes > World Climate Programme > WCDMP > CDMS > Open CDMS Strategy

Open CDMS Strategy


Vision statement

ET-CDMS in 2015 noted that:

  • Currently, significant investment is needed to maintain a multitude of CDMS worldwide to generate data for regional and global analyses.
  • These CDMS are not compliant with the new WMO #1131, Climate Data Management Systems Specifications.
  • Significant investment will be required to conform to the requirements of WMO 1131.
  • It will be very expensive and wasteful of resources to develop the same functionality in many CDMS.
  • There are several open source CDMS used by WMO members.
  • There is considerable potential to address this situation by rationalising these open source CDMS.

Therefore ET-CDMS propose that:

  • Open source CDMS should converge on one Reference Open Source CDMS, namely Open-CDMS.
  • Investment is required to make this happen.


CDMS strategy documents


Document Number

Workshop concept note



Workshop document plan


Strategy for reference CDMS tool set



Management and ownership structure for the reference CDMS tool set



Governance of development and maintenance of the reference CDMS tool set



Financial and skills support for the reference CDMS tool set


Implementation plan for the reference CDMS tool set



Draft resolution for Cg-18



Declaration of intention to contribute to development and maintenance of the reference CDMS tool set



Shared hosting of the reference CDMS tool set




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