J04 - Forecasting streamflow from hydrometeorological data |
J04.1.01 |
Tank model |
J04.1.04 |
Snowmelt-runoff model (SRM) |
J04.1.05 |
Inflow-storage-outflow (ISO) function models |
J04.2.01 |
Conceptual watershed model for flood forecasting |
J04.2.02 |
Conceptual watershed model (the HBV model) |
J04.3.01 |
Sacramento soil moisture accounting model (NWSRFS-SAC-SMA) |
J04.3.03 |
Snow accumulation and ablation model (NWSRFS-SNOW-17) |
J04.3.07 |
Synthetized constrained linear system (SCLS) |
J10 - Streamflow routing for forecasting |
No component presently available |
J15 - Combined streamflow forecasting and routing models |
J15.2.01 |
Streamflow synthesis and reservoir regulation (SSARR) |
J15.3.01 |
Manual calibration program (NWSRFS-MCP3) |
J22 - Seasonal flow forecasting |
No component presently available |
J32 - Forecasting soil moisture |
J32.3.01 |
Improved irrigation efficiency using soil physical techniques |
J45 - Ice forecasts |
No component presently available |
J55 - Forecasting surface water quality |
No component presently available |
J80 - Analysis of model performance |
J80.3.01 |
Statistical summary - mean daily discharges (NWSRFS-STAT-QME) |