Explanation of the criteria for classification and numbering of components |
J80.3.01 (DEC 99) |
Explanation of the dates on the component's description | ||
1. Purpose and objectives This program computes statistics for mean daily simulated and observed
discharges. 2. Description Equations are used to compute simulated and observed mean daily
discharges; the per cent bias between simulated and observed daily flows;
the monthly bias in runoff (millimeters); the maximum error between simulated and observed daily flows, their per cent average absolute error and daily average absolute error; percent root mean square error, the daily root mean square error; the correlation coefficient for daily flows, and the regression line of best fit. Certain statistics are computed for 3. Input Required input are time series of simulated and observed mean daily discharges. Time series are stored in files. 4. Output Printed output as described above. 5. Operational requirements and restrictions a) One person with knowledge and experience in hydrological processes, b) With the qualifications described above, 1 day of training is c) Program is written for use on HP workstations; but could be capabilities and scratch work space. The program runs as part of d) Maximum array sizes are variably dimensioned and are specified by 6. Form of presentation Program is written in FORTRAN 77 and is obtained only as part of the National Weather Service River Forecast System (NWSRFS). 7. Operational experience Has been applied throughout the USA with good results; regular usage in U.S. by National Weather Service; implementation is difficult, but not
complex. 8. Originator and technical support Michael Smith, Hydrologic Research Laboratory, NOAA-NWS. 9. Availability From the HOMS National Reference Centre for USA. 10. Conditions on use Free.
Reclassified from J95.3.02 MAR 1987 (First entered: 28 JAN 81 |
Last updated: 01 DEC 99) |