Regional cooperation and development activities
Programmes > DRA > Office for the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) > LDCs

Least Developed Countries

The Least Developed Countries (LDCs) represent the poorest and weakest segment of the international community. Extreme poverty, the structural weaknesses of their economies and the lack of capacities related to growth, often compounded by structural handicaps, hamper efforts of these countries to improve the quality of life of their people. These countries are also characterized by their acute susceptibility to external economic shocks, natural and man-made disasters and communicable diseases.

The Office for the LDC Programme and Regional Coordination (LDCR), which is part of the Development and Regional Activities Department is responsible for ensuring the development and the effective implementation of the WMO Programme for the LDCs, in close collaboration with other DRA offices and other scientific and technical programmes. It's main focus lies on the following areas:

  • Assistance in meeting, including through GFCS, special and urgent needs of NMHSs  for infrastructure and operational facilities development and for  service delivery relevant to LDCs national  policy and programmes;
  • Enhancing strategic partnerships and advocacy for positioning weather, climate and water services with the development framework of LDCs at national, regional and international level, particularly poverty reduction,  economic growth and climate change adaptation;
  • Improving  skills of administrators and managers of NMHSs in leadership, management, resource mobilization, strategic planning, marketing and communication through coordination and capacity building activities at regional level;
  • Assistance in the preparation of modernization and development plans of NMHSs to meet LDCs and SIDS special needs, through expert services and the organization of national coordination and strategic planning seminars/workshops to underpin national ownership;
  • Formulation and implementation of pilot and demonstration projects on socio-economic benefits valuation adapted to LDCs and SIDS;
  • Supporting, as appropriate, LDCs participation in special events and specialized trainings;
  • Development and enhancement of Websites and Internet connectivity
  • Liaison with UN system Offices and other Organizations dealing with the   LDCs, SIDS and MDGs issues.


Criteria for the identification of LDCs

List of LDCs




World Meteorological Organization, 7bis, avenue de la Paix, CP No. 2300, CH-1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland - Tel.: +41(0)22 730 81 11 - Fax: +41(0)22 730 81 81
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