Regional cooperation and development activities
Programmes > DRA > Regional Office for Europe > Regional projects > DRR/SEE Project


In early 2009, the European Commission, Directorate General Enlargement, concluded agreement with the WMO for the implementation of the action entitled: "Disaster Risk Reduction in South East Europe - Activity 2: Regional cooperation in South East Europe for meteorological, hydrological and cvlimate data management and exchange to support disaster risk reduction" (Action IPA/2009/199-922)

The action is carried out as a IPA multi-beneficiery project funded by the EC DG Enlargement and is targetted to the following beneficieries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia, Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244/99), the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, and Turkey.


DRR/SEE Project Wrap-up Meeting
29-30 March 2011, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Regional Meeting for Strengthening Regional Cooperation in Meteorology, Hydrology and Climate Services for Disaster Risk Management
28-29 March 2011, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
DRR/SEE Project helps in the extension of the European Meteorological Infrastructure over Western Balkans
Project Events
29 - 30 Mar
DRR/SEE Project Wrap-up Meeting
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
28 - 29 Mar
Regional Meeting for Strengthening Regional Cooperation in Meteorology, Hydrology and Climate Services for Disaster Risk Management
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
18 - 22 Oct 2010 Data Access for Western Balkans and Eastern Europe (DAWBEE) - Training workshop on the use of DAWBEE Stations - a joint initiative of EUMETSAT and WMO (supported by the DRR/SEE project)
EUMETSAT, Darmstadt, Germany
27 Sep -
1 Oct 2010
Training workshop on flood risk assessment
Istanbul, Turkey
20-24 Sep 2010 Training workshop on drought risk assessment for the agricultural sector
Ljubljana, Slovenia
30 Jun -
1 Jul 2010
Training on Meteoalarm system
Salzburg, Austria
18 Jun 2010 Third Meeting of the Executive Committee of the DRR/SEE Project
Geneva, Switzerland
10-14 May 2010 Training Workshop on Calibration
Regional Instrument Centre, Ljubljana, Slovenia
23-27 Nov 2009 2nd South-East European Climate Outlook Forum (SEECOF-2)
Budapest, Hungary
1-3 Oct 2009 Training Workshop on Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems with focus on Institutional Coordination and Cooperation
Pula, Croatia
21 Sep 2009 Second Meeting of the Executive Committee of the DRR/SEE Project (side-meeting during XV Session of RA VI)
Brussels, Belgium
6 July 2009 First Meeting of the Executive Committee of the DRR/SEE Project
Geneva, Switzerland
Press releases, brochures
Additional information



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