Activity 5: Training seminars and workshops
Training workshop on calibration
hosted by Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia
Regional Instrument Centre (RIC)
Ljubljana, 10 – 14 May 2010
The WMO project on “Regional cooperation in South Eastern Europe for meteorological, hydrological and climate data management and exchange in support of disaster risk reduction” (DRR/SEE Project), financed by the Directorate General Enlargement of the European Commission, includes an activity on enhancing the capacity of the NMHSs of the Western Balkans countries for standardized calibration and maintenance of observational instruments. The main objecrtive of the activity is to ensure sustainable quality of the meteorological and hydrological data produced and exchanged in the region.
The proposed capacity building activity is divided in two components: i) An assessment mission to each target country, and ii) a Training Workshop on Calibration at the Regional Instrument Centre, Slovenia. The Workshop is intended for NMHSs of the countries participating in the DRR/SEE Project.
Training workshop is proposed for two persons from each NMHS involved in the calibration and maintenance (preferably: a calibration laboratory manager and a technician). First two days are dedicated to quality assurance issues, last three days of workshop will be dedicated to practical work in laboratory. Managers are invited to be present during the first two days and technical personal will be present all five days of the workshop.
Participants in the practical part of the workshop will be divided into two groups:
1. Group A: Participants with good knowledge of calibration methods (their national NMHSs have a calibration laboratory in their service). Practical work will be focused on calibration methods and uncertainty evaluation of precise electronic instruments for temperature, relative humidity and air pressure.
2. Group B: Participants with some knowledge of calibration methods (their NMHSs do not have a calibration laboratory in their service). Practical work will be focused on calibration of classical instruments for temperature, relative humidity and air pressure instruments. Calibration and use of travelling standards will also be described. |