WMO-IOC Data Buoy Cooperation Panel

DBCP Technical Document No. 43

Presentations at the DBCP Scientific and Technical Workshop

Geneva, Switzerland, 26 September 2011


The Workshop requested abstracts that addressed the following themes:

Operational Practices and Enhancements – demands for enhanced observations collection technology; innovations or developments in related marine observation systems; developments in buoys/instruments (e.g. wave measurements). These aspects will be addressed in Session 1.


Technological Demands and Developments – evaluation or analysis of operational performance or trials; data communications and data assimilation; performance and efficiency benchmarking; new systems and practices. These aspects will be addressed in Session 2.


Applications of Collected Data – research and operational data applications; case studies. These aspects will be addressed in Session 3.


Special Focus. In addition to the regular themes, this year’s workshop will have a major focus on Requirements for Climate Applications. Topics of interest are:


  • Requirements for Climate Services as part of the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS).  These aspects will be addressed in Session 4.

  • Requirements for Climate Monitoring. These aspects will be addressed in Session 4.

  • Collection of delayed mode buoy data.  These aspects will be addressed in Session 4.

  • Observing practices, including traceability to standards and instrument inter-comparison. These aspects will be addressed in Session 4.

  • Collection of instrument/platform metadata from data buoys.  These aspects will be addressed in Session 4.

Workshop Chairs:

  • Bill Burnett, NOAA National Data Buoy Center (NDBC), USA

  • Jean Rolland, Météo France

Session 1: Operational Practices and Enhancements – demands for enhanced observations collection technology; innovations or developments in related marine observation systems; developments in buoys/instruments (e.g. wave measurements).




Abstract Presentation
1 Re-evaluating Drogue Presence and Cause of Death for the Global Drifter Array Rick Lumpkin (NOAA/AOML/GDP) x x
2 AOML Data Buoy Comparison Study Mayra Pazos (NOAA/AOML/GDP) x x
3 Review of Investigations in 2010- 2011 to Progress Drifter Technology Sergey Motyzhev, Alexei Tolstosheev, and Eugene Lunev (Marine Hydrophysical Institute) x x
4 New Technical Developments in Tropical Cyclones Observing Systems: Ocean-Air Observations During Typhoon Fanapi Luca Centurioni (Scripps Institution of Oceanography) x x

Session 2: Technological Demands and Developments – evaluation or analysis of operational performance or trials; data communications and data assimilation; performance and efficiency benchmarking; new systems and practices.




Abstract Presentation(s)
5 “Bai-Long”:  An Update on the FIO RAMA Buoy Project Chun Lin Ning, Weidong Yu (First Institute of Oceanography) and Rick Cole (RDSEA International) x x
6 Inter-Laboratory Calibration Traceability for Temperature, Conductivity, Pressure and Dissolved Oxygen David Murphy (Sea-Bird Electronics) x x
7 Improvements made to the barometric pressure port on their drifters and new technology improvements made in 2010-2011 Andy Sybrandy (Pacific Gyre)   x
8 The Argos Real-Time Antenna Upgrade Project:  Status and Expectations Bill Woodward (CLS America), Michel Guigue (CLS Toulouse) and Yann Bernard (CLS Toulouse) x x
9 The Next Generation Easy-To-Deploy (ETD) Tsunami Assessment Buoy R. Lawson and D. Graham (SAIC), S. Stalin, C. Meinig, D. Tagawa, N. Lawrence-Slavas (PMEL) and R. Hibbins and B. Ingham (Australian Bureau of Meteorology) x x (Video)

Session 3: Applications of Collected Data – research and operational data applications; case studies.




Abstract Presentation
10 Wave Measurements using GPS Dong-Kyu Lee (Scripps Inst.) , Kwan-Chang Lim (Korea Hydrographic and Oceanographic Administration) and Luca Centurioni (Scripps Inst.) x x
11 Wave Measurement Evaluation and Testing Robert Jensen (USACE), Val Swail (Environment Canada) and Boram Lee (WMO) x x
12 Salinity Drifters in the Subtropical North Atlantic – SPURS Experiment “Salinity Process in the Upper Ocean Regional Study” G. Reverdin (LOCEAN, CNRS/INSU) x x
13 A Plan for a Spanish Contribution to the GDP in the Western Mediterranean Sea, SOCIB, a New Open Infrastructure in the Balearic Islands Pedro Vélez-Belchí (Instituto Español de Oceanografía) and Joaquin Tintoré (Balearic Islands Coastal Observing and Forecast System) x x
14 Use of Wind Stress and Altimetric Data to Detect the Anomalous Loss of SVP Drifter’s Drogue Rio Marie-Helene (CLS-DOS) x x

Session 4: Requirements for Climate Change Applications - requirements for the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS), and climate monitoring; collection of delayed mode data; observing practices, including traceability to standards and instrument inter-comparisons; collection of instrument/platform metadata.




Abstract Presentation
15 Partnerships for New GEOSS Applications (PANGEA) Sid Thurston (NOAA/CPO) x x
16 Observed Changes at the Surface of the Arctic Ocean Ignatius Rigor (Applied Physics Laboratory, University of Washington) x x
(Videos: Arctic domain awareness; Age of ice; Camera)
17 Significance of Met-Ocean Subsurface Indian OMNI Buoy Measurements in the Bay of Bengal V.R. Shamji, Simi Mathew, R. Venkatesan (National Institute of Ocean Technology) x x (Video)