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The primary objective of this programme area is to implement and maintain a fully integrated end-to-end data management system across the entire marine meteorology and oceanographic community. Additionally the programme area will offer its expertise to assist other groups (OOPC and COOP for example) to specify and implement their own data management requirements, with the overall goal of integrating their data management into the overall end-to end data management system.


MCSS - Marine Climatological Summaries Scheme
The MCSS, established in 1964, has as its primary objective the international exchange, quality control and archival of delayed mode marine climatological data, in support of global climate studies and the provision of a range on marine climatological services.  Eight countries are designated to process the data and regularly publish the climatological summaries. Two Global Data Collecting Centres (GCC) were established in 1993 in Germany and the United Kingdom to facilitate and enhance the flow and quality control of the data.  All data are eventually archived in the appropriate World Data Centres, such as the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC). Data Flow Diagram

(from DWD)
E2EDM - End-to-End Data Management

The "end-to-end" data management (E2EDM) system is considered as the coordinated and inter-connected combination of the following components:

  • Marine and ocean meteorological data management systems (local DM systems) which are available and being developed under various ocean study programs and services.
  • Integration technology as an "umbrella" that comprises local DM systems and provides communication and "transparent" interaction between metadata, data and products resulted from these DM systems and also an end-user access to any data and information generated by DM systems. 

The goal of this ETDMP Pilot Project is to develop a prototype of the Web-oriented technology that can undertake real-time data fusion from distributed oceanographic and marine meteorological data sources into sample products of interest to JCOMM users and can demonstrate "end to end" data management opportunities (further, E2EDM technology).

GDSIDB - Global Digital Sea Ice Data Bank
This project, the GDSIDB, initiated in 1989 in support of global climate monitoring, research and prediction, as well as specialized services, has as its primary objective to implement a consolidated data bank of digital sea-ice information. Several countries are participating, and contribute to the merging of digitized sea-ice data into a single data bank. The two main centres are the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) in Boulder, USA and the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (AARI) in St Petersburg, Russian Federation. Comprehensive data sets now exist for the Arctic Ocean and other northern hemisphere sea ice areas, for the period from the 1960s to the present. Some digital data for the Antarctic are also available. Rec.7 (CMM-IX)

Other http- and ftp- resources
GTSPP - Global Temperature-Salinity Profile Programme
A cooperative international programme, the GTSPP maintains a global ocean T-S resource with data that are both up-to-date and of the highest quality possible. Both real-time data transmitted over the (GTS), and delayed-mode data received by contribution countries are acquired and quality controlled by the Marine Environmental Data Service (MEDS, Canada) and eventually incorporated into a continuously managed database maintained by the National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC), USA.  Countries contributing data to the project are Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Russia, and the United States

GTSPP schema

gtspplogo.gif (25043 bytes)

GOSIC - Global Observing System Information Center
The Global Observing System Information Center (GOSIC) provides information on the observing requirements, the operational data systems, and the access procedures for finding and obtaining data and products of the G3OS. The G3OS consists of the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS), the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS), and the Global Terrestrial Observing System (GTOS). GOSIC is supported by the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. GOSIC is housed at the University of Delaware, USA. gosic_logo.jpg (6700 bytes)




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  • Observations
  • Data Management
  • Services

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  • Satellites
  • Capacity Development
  • Natural Disasters

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