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Capacity Development


The Capacity Development (CB) activities under JCOMM are cross-cutting activities amongst the JCOMM Programme Areas. They are an essential, high priority activity, designed to assist Members and Member States both to contribute to operational ocean observations and services and also to gain maximum benefit from the data and products available through the system. To achieve these aims CB activities must operate within, and draw upon, the overall principles of its governing bodies; it also must be compatible and work with other WMO and IOC programmes.

ACTIVITIES - Capacity Development Strategy Training and Projects

JCOMM Capacity Development STRATEGY
Capacity Development under JCOMM is an essential, high priority activity, designed to assist Members and Member States both to contribute to operational ocean observations and services and also to gain maximum benefit from the data and products available through the system. At present, Capacity Development work is concentrated in two areas: specialized training and regional cooperative development projects. In recognizing the importance of Capacity Development and of the need to enhance coordination and cooperation in Capacity Development activities, a JCOMM Capacity Development Strategy has been prepared and published. This provides a coherent framework for all future JCOMM Capacity Development projects, compatible with similar work under other programmes of WMO and IOC. Related Files:

JCOMM Capacity Development Strategy   (.pdf)

The new JCOMM Capacity Development Strategy provides a blueprint for future JCOMM Capacity Development activities. For the coming intersessional period, these will be concentrated in the following areas:

(i) Ongoing specialized workshops in fields such as wave and storm surge forecasting; support for ship-based observing systems, including PMO training; the application of remotely-sensed ocean data;
(ii) Training to support integrated coastal area management;
(iii) Implementation of existing regional cooperative projects and the development of new ones in other regions.

Information on planned training events under the marine programme is given on the Training page. (see also Forthcoming Events)

Two major regional cooperative projects are under development, aimed at the coordinated enhancement of marine observing systems, modelling capabilities and services, based on cooperation among interested agencies and institutions in specific areas. The South East Asian Centre for Atmospheric and Marine Prediction (SEACAMP) Project document has been finalized and submitted to potential funding sources. A draft project document for the Western Indian Ocean Marine Applications Project (WIOMAP) has been prepared, and it is hoped that this will be finalized and submitted for funding before the end of 2001.

Related Files:

SEACAMP (.doc)

WIOMAP (.doc)



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