Welcome to the Expert Team on WIS-GTS Operation and Implementation (ET-OI) pages.

ET-OI was retired at CBS XV in 2012. Major activities of this group then moved to ET-WISC with some monitoring components to IPET-DRMM

Old ET-OI specific discussion forum. Wiki-users can read it and ET-OI users can post to it.


  1. Link to the 2012 ET-OI meeting 29-31 May 2012 in Moscow
  2. Link to the 2010 ET-OI meeting 22-24 Sep 2010 in Geneva
  3. Link to the 2008 Joint ET-OI and GTS-WIS MTN 23-26 Sep 2008 in Geneva
  4. Link to the 2006 Joint meeting ICT-MTN and ET-OI 16-19 May 2006 in Geneva


Also of interest to ET-OI is the ET-WISC open technical discussion forum for questions about WIS centres and the technology used to implement them, such as e.g Geonetwork. It can be read publicly and every registered user can post in it.

The ET-OI pages can be read by anybody. ET-IO members can contribute to the pages by adding comments.

Documentation Pages
  1. WIS Home Page .
  2. WIS Project and Implementation Plan.
  3. WIS Functional Architecture .
  4. WIS Designation Procedures.
  5. WIS Compliance Specifications for GISC, DCPC and NC .
  6. WIS User Requirements .
  7. Documentation of SRU and related technologies .

ET-OI Terms of Reference

(Activities to be carried out in particular by the focal points of RTHs located on the MTN, in close coordination with the IPET-DRC chairperson with the assistance of the Secretariat, mainly by correspondence/ e-mail.)

  1. Monitor the WIS-GTS operational information flow and coordinate management of operational information exchange procedures, routing and traffic, with a particular attention to the exchange of high priority data and products in support of a virtual all hazards network within WIS-GTS;
  2. Assist in the migration to TDCF, in particular in a step-by-step migration by zones;
  3. Coordinate the implementation of the file naming convention;
  4. Coordinate the implementation of the WMO core profile of 191xx series of standards as regards the relevant exchange of data and metadata;
  5. Coordinate and further develop recommended practices and guidance on the management of, and access to, operational information related to WMO Programmes’ information exchange, especially for WIS-GTS operation (abbreviated heading tables, catalogue of bulletins and files, routing directories, etc.);
  6. Develop recommendations for coordinated implementation and planning of techniques, procedures and systems for the MTN and MTN centres, including towards the core communication component of WIS;
  7. Review, coordinate and further improve the WWW monitoring, in particular the AGM, SMM and IWM;
  8. Review the standard and recommended procedures and practices of the Manual on the GTS related to the operation of the GTS, and propose amendments as required;
  9. Develop guidance for planning and implementation of observation data collection systems for NMHSs, including interfaces with observation platforms, methods, formats and data-communication protocols;
  10. Identify implementation issues requiring the urgent consideration of the OPAG on ISS.