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Documents for TT-GISC face to face meetings
  ID T Filename Name Invert Sort Size Last Modified Hits Other Sorts
Actions 1835 application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation TT-GISC2015-Doc20-GISC-Exeter_status.pptx TT-GISC 2015-Doc20 - GISC-Exeter_status 138.80 KB Thu 08 of Oct, 2015 419 Information
Actions 1901 image/jpeg TTGISC2015-x-800.jpg TT-GISC 2015 group photo 44.40 KB Wed 14 of Oct, 2015 1228 Information
Actions 1891 application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation TT-GISC2015-Doc37-GISC Washington_Status.pptx TT-GISC 2015 Doc37 - GISC Washington_Status.pptx 50.78 KB Tue 13 of Oct, 2015 429 Information
Actions 1857 application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document TT-GISC2015-Doc30-GISCBeijing-TokyoBackup.docx TT-GISC 2015 Doc30 - GISCBeijing-TokyoBackup 389.21 KB Fri 09 of Oct, 2015 396 Information
Actions 1855 application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document TT-GISC2015-Doc29r1-Metadata-guidance-tools.docx TT-GISC 2015 Doc29 - Metadata-guidance-tools 77.80 KB Wed 14 of Oct, 2015 447 Information
Actions 1853 application/ TT-GISC2015-Doc28-Metadata-Offenbach.ppt TT-GISC 2015 Doc28 - Metadata-Offenbach (ppt) 1.06 MB Fri 09 of Oct, 2015 504 Information
Actions 1851 application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document TT-GISC2015-Doc27-Metadata-Offenbach.docx TT-GISC 2015 Doc27 -Metadata-Offenbach. 48.80 KB Fri 09 of Oct, 2015 385 Information
Actions 1849 application/ TT-GISC2015-Doc26-Status-Offenbach.ppt TT-GISC 2015 Doc25 -Status-GISC Offenbach (ppt) 2.61 MB Tue 13 of Oct, 2015 552 Information
Actions 1847 application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document TT-GISC2015-Doc25-Status-Offenbach.docx TT-GISC 2015 Doc25 -Status-GISC Offenbach 50.74 KB Fri 09 of Oct, 2015 399 Information
Actions 1845 application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document TT-GISC2015-Doc24-VolC1.docx TT-GISC 2015 Doc24 - VolC1 54.48 KB Fri 09 of Oct, 2015 357 Information
Actions 1843 application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document TT-GISC2015-Doc23-backup_Offenbach-Tokyo.docx TT-GISC 2015 Doc23 - backup_Offenbach-Tokyo 365.71 KB Fri 09 of Oct, 2015 399 Information
Actions 1839 application/ TT-GISC2015-Doc22r1-GISC_Pretoria-Status.ppt TT-GISC 2015 Doc22 - GISC_Pretoria-Status 1.30 MB Tue 13 of Oct, 2015 615 Information
Actions 1837 application/ TT-GISC2015-Doc21-GISC_Toulouse.ppt TT-GISC 2015 Doc21 - GISC_Toulouse 294.00 KB Thu 08 of Oct, 2015 496 Information
Actions 1833 application/ TT-GISC2015-Doc19-ET-WISC_24hCache.ppt TT-GISC 2015 Doc19 - ET-WISC_24hCache 1.06 MB Tue 13 of Oct, 2015 538 Information
Actions 1831 application/ TT-GISC2015-Doc18-WIS_Search.PPT TT-GISC 2015 Doc18 - WIS_Search 1.46 MB Thu 08 of Oct, 2015 440 Information
Actions 1829 application/ TT-GISC2015-Doc17-FTP-Server_Structure.ppt TT-GISC 2015 Doc17 - FTP-Server_Structure 1.21 MB Thu 08 of Oct, 2015 470 Information
Actions 1827 application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document TT-GISC2015-Doc16-Data_Policies_DWD.docx TT-GISC 2015 Doc16 - Data_Policies_DWD 241.93 KB Thu 08 of Oct, 2015 406 Information
Actions 1823 application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document TT-GISC2015-Doc14-Cache_Harmonization_DWD.docx TT-GISC 2015 Doc14 - Cache_Harmonization_DWD 108.83 KB Thu 08 of Oct, 2015 362 Information
Actions 1821 application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document TT-GISC2015-Doc13-WISMonitoringDemo.docx TT-GISC 2015 Doc13 - WIS Monitoring Demo 359.89 KB Thu 08 of Oct, 2015 391 Information
Actions 1817 application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document TT-GISC2015-Doc11-InteroperabilityWithGEOSS.docx TT-GISC 2015 Doc11 - Interoperability With GEOSS 49.65 KB Thu 08 of Oct, 2015 403 Information

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