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This is the static archive copy of the old wiswiki, decommissioned on June 1 2020



Technical guidelines

Page topic Page
Technical guidelines MDG_TechGuide
Metadata management MDG_MdMgt
Dataset identification MDG_DI
Dataset overview MDG_DO
Spatial representation MDG_SR
Distribution MDG_DIS
Access constraints MDG_Access
Dataset maintenance MDG_DataMaint
Dataset data quality (not part of Core Profile, but guidance may be useful)MDG_DataQual

Example metadata records

Example metadata records (annotated examples; each contains XML file and explanatory text) are indexed from page MDG_EG

Pages outside the main structure

Page topic Page
Commonly referenced pages outside main structure
Contact information MDG_Contact
Specifying languagesMDG_Lang
Using code lists MDG_CodeList

Instructions for editors of the Metadata Guideline pages

Guidance on how to edit the wiki pages is provided for those authorised to edit the Metadata Guidelines pages in the page MDG_EditorInstruct.

Page last modified on Thursday 22 of March, 2018 11:19:14 CET