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TT-AvXML: testing of RC1

Date: 28-30 November 2012
Location: ECMWF, Reading, UK
Attendees: E Fucile (Chair), BL Choy, J Tandy, A Braeckel, S Foreman (Secretariat)

Teleconference: 30 November 2012, 1500 UK time.

Report of the meeting: Final Report

Meeting agenda (Draft)

1. Organisation of the meeting
1.1. Opening of the meeting
1.2. Approval of the agenda
1.3. Working arrangements

2. Review of the logical data models
2.3 Logical Data models testing

3. XML schemas
3.1 Conversion from METCE to XML schema (see Note on Fullmoon translation)
3.2 Conversion from IWXXM to XML schema
3.3 XML examples of METAR, TAF, SIGMET
3.4 XML Schema 1.0 and 1.1
3.5 Open content model
3.6 XML schemas testing.
3.6 Remaining work and schedule

4. BUFR representation
4.1 Conversion from LDM to BUFR template
4.2 Representation of significant weather (table 4678)
4.3 Work plan

5. Work plan
5.1 Publication of RC1 and communication to MS
5.2 Plans for IWXXM/METCE and their XML schema testing.
5.3 Plans for IWXXM/METCE RC2 and submission of proposals for TC/211
5.4 Plans for web accessible registries
5.5 Plans for METCE to BUFR conversion

Telecon agenda (Draft)

1. Update on current status of metce and XML
2. Work Plan
2.1 Plans for IWXXM/METCE and their XML schema testing.
2.2 Plans for IWXXM/METCE RC2 and submission of proposals for TC/211
2.3 Plans for web accessible registries
2.4 Plans for METCE to BUFR conversion

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